Bought a new Ibanez SR1420b

Hi guys! So i’m kinda new at buying new guitars, but ended up pulling the trigger on a Ibanez SR1420b, and there are a few things im noticing. First of all the original sealing on the box has been broken, and second, it came with a battery already installed. So my question is - is this normal or should i be sceptical about it… Did i pay full price for a used instrument?

FYI, i bought it from Gear4music.


Where did you buy the bass from? IIRC my Ibanez had a battery installed when I bought it. I would recommend changing that battery immediately though, always nice to have a fresh one in an active bass.

Edit: just saw where you bought it :man_facepalming:

Not familiar with that seller. Maybe others here have purchased from them?

Does the bass look used? Is it dinged up? Finish worn?


Yeah, i bought a couple because i thought it came without :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

It doesn’t look worn, but i might be wrong on that… No dings that i can see, although there is a small white stripe on the body, but it feels like its under the lacquer, so possibly just a color blemish from the factory.

My Ibanez’s have had the battery installed. Broken seal - maybe they inspected the instrument before shipping, the two places I tend to buy from online both inspect. Might have been on display. As long as the instrument is in good shape if it were mine I wouldn’t worry about the broken seal.

I would change the battery for a new one. First thing I do on a bass.

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A lot of places will open the box and do a quick inspection before shipping. Also, they often need to take pictures of it as people tend to not trust stock photos and want to see the real thing. Every guitar I’ve purchased online (4 from Sweetwater, 1 from Reverb. All brand new.) came with the box open and then re-sealed.


It’s a common practice to inspect the instrument before shipping especially $1500 bass. Some companies will go further and do a “mini” setup. Unless it’s from Fender usually basses at this price point come ready to play the only thing you’d probably want to do is lower the action just a bit as they are usually shipped with medium height action.

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Then im guessing they have opened it up just to check it, cuz the stringheight is amazingly low so that’s a plus for me. The scratch in the photo is strange tho… i can clearly see it, but cant feel it so prob something from the factory :man_shrugging:

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