Building Up Endurance Songs?

This came up in my subscription feed today. Nope :slight_smile:


For videogame music? I’m not! I like a lot of it but a whole lot of it is super fast, I don’t actually practice it. Would be a good source for serious bass workouts though.

In terms of my favorite games for soundtracks I would go back and forth between the Wipeout series (all really excellent techno/electronica soundtrack-wise) and some of the more atmospheric stuff done by people like Jesper Kyd (not so hot for bass workouts but still awesome.)


Talk about building up endurance…I have started’s slap course.
It is like entirely different finger muscles are being used and I am wearing out very quickly.
Trying to be very mindful to keep everything relaxed and not tense, but it aint easy.

It’s like I am starting all over again learning how to play and building endurance.


That ain’t Lobster? Who’s this Dale guy? Does he have a channel? He looks like he can play it in his sleep! Lol


Honestly it’s the plucking hand endurance that is the hard part. At least for me.


Lobster collaborated with this guy, this guy plays a song with tabs every Tuesday, it just gives out an extra video a week.

He has done some cool songs, all with tabs on screen, and downloadable.


Try playing the end of Iron Man.
URG, if I could get it, I would have done the cover already.
I am thinking I may need to start a 3 finger pluck for it, but then it throws the timing off on some of the notes that get thrown in during the step down.


Nice topic. It has been one year since my bass journey started and…
Besides white wedding, these are mine grind finger songs :slight_smile:

  • A flock of seagulls - I ran so far away
  • The strokes - Reptilia (downstroke with pick, but i still play it like a regular bass song)
  • Bajaga - Ti se ljubis (this is from ex Yugoslavia, very tiring)
  • QOTSA - Go with the flow (sometimes, but it is a mess for me)
  • Mick Jagger - God gave me everything (not that hard, maybe a good one to start building endurance if you are beginner)
  • Bernard Lavallier - Traffic (french song)
  • Radnicka kontrola - Dosada (cool song from ex Yugoslavia), very good for left hand as well
  • CCR - Fortunate son (not that hard, but nice)
  • New young pony club - The optimist

Thats it :slight_smile: