Can It Really Be

Hello Boys And Girls,

It was early into the COVID Lockdown when I was hiking with an older gentleman. He was explaining how he had been teaching himself how to play the guitar. I jokingly mentioned how I always thought the bass guitar was Bad A$$.

He shares with me how he IS a bass player and could show me everything I would need to know. So I purchased his rig, included an amp and 5 string, shortly after that hike.

Well, he never followed through and I was left to learn via YouTube. I somehow stumbled across @JoshFossgreen via YT algorithm and that lead me to join Bass Buzz on this date 2020. I really enjoyed those first few sessions as Bass Buzz is completely geared towards my elementary understandings of the bass. I watched those first few chapters over and over again.

Now, on my third anniversary, I happily share with you all my videos and what nots. I began playing music with a singer song writer back in March of this year. We have bonded very well and have played at backyard gatherings, a number of open mics, and now have a true gig Sept 16th. Stoked

A few topics that strike me regarding Bass Buzz. When I originally signed on, never occurred to me how useful of a tool the forum could become. I’m definitely blown away by the camaraderie and positive feedback throughout the forum. And now, three years later, all of the digital friends I correspond with. Pretty righteous byproduct of Bass Buzz Lessons.

Something I am also thankful for would be the 50 songs and the ability to slow down the BPM. So many unknown options three years ago. We are all aware of the ideas mentioned to Josh about What Is Next with Bass Buzz. For me and my beginner abilities, Bass Buzz has been the perfect set of stepping stones.

Lastly, just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for the constructive feedback. I thank so many of you for your tips, tricks, and understanding during my learning curve. Thank you for viewing all of my videos and for simply reminding me that improvements will come.

Stay Groovy,

P.S. How many years do you have under your belt here with Bass Buzz?
What was impactful for you personally?
Are you playing with other musicians or playing in front of others?
What are your immediate and long term goals?

2020/08/26 - 2023/08/26


I love to hear it! So cool you’ve been jamming and have a gig lined up. Congratulations man that’s great. Gotta feel amazing.

For me, over the last 8ish months, bass buzz (both the course & community) has encouraged me to not only start, at my own pace, but to keep up with it. Keep up with the lessons, the passion, the fun, the questions, the perseverance, and the challenge/rewards that learning a new instrument provides.

The forum itself has encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and try new things - recently teaching myself to also learn guitar, dabble a tiny bit with piano, get into some effects & experiment with doing my own mods & technical repairs. It’s been a great exercise in proving myself wrong in doubting what I am capable of.

It’s also a sense of family. I’ve shared with friends and family how much this community means to me & the encouragement/knowledge it provides.

Truly so grateful I finally picked up the bass and found you all! :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh! Forgot to mention: it’s also given me a new long-term goal of marrying my passions of wood working & stringed instruments to build my own guitars and basses from logs. No immediate steps in motion yet but lots of research & designs!


Cherrywood fretboard with sakura inlays?? :thinking:


You are a goddamn genius, Scott.


Sakura is no joke getting popular. Bacchus has a line using it, just gorgeous.

Love the sakura blossom F-hole, which totally doesn’t sound dirty.


It Does Feel Amazing There @withthecherrytrees !!

Pleases me to read that you feel encouraged by the community. Stepping into vulnerability opens many doors for many moons. We are all so grateful to have picked up the bass and joining Bass Buzz so Kicks A$$.

I urge you build a Bass Guitar stand of wood first. Free your mind and your passion will bloom.

Stay Rowdy,


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: