I am learning RHCP Soul to Squeeze I like the songs rhythms


I’m trying singing. When I stop embarrassing myself I’ll post an example. Maybe. :slight_smile:


You are going all in :grin: Bass, keyboards, guitar, vocals, production, …

Looking forward to your first album :sunglasses:


One of those is very clearly the weakest link :slight_smile:



Takes some guts to even try :smile:


Yep. This…


Well, the last place I ever thought to see this much hate for Flea was a bass forum. It’s kind of odd to me. It’s one thing to dislike RHCP music, as that is subjective, but Flea is objectively a PHENOMENAL bass player who was even a pioneer for the instrument. The punk/funk fusion was pretty unheard of at the time. In addition to that he is technically very proficient and his sense of groove, time and syncopation is nearly unmatched.

I don’t know, I look past styles of music and whether I like it or not and look at what the players are doing. I don’t listen to Jaco often, but I can appreciate very much his skill and impact on the instrument, even learned a few of his bass lines.

Guys like Flea? For rock bass he brought excitement an innovation to the instrument. Before him rock bassists were chugging 8th notes on the root note Until their fingers fell off and they fell asleep. Nothing wrong with that kind of playing, but all the jokes and stereotypes about bass and bassists come from it.

Off my soapbox, just want to end with you should look at what you could learn from Flea and maybe try to appreciate why so many bassists hold him in such a high regard. There are definitely very justified reasons for it!:smiley:. You can do that and still not enjoy RHCP’s music.


I don’t hate Flea, I hope I didn’t give you that impression. I don’t care for his style, but on the same token won’t argue that he’s not a good bass player. I don’t think he’s superb, just a good bass player, but that’s my opinion (for what it’s worth).
After reading his book “Acid for the Children” I have grown to dislike him personally, but that still doesn’t take away from his talent. Again, he is a good bass player.
With all that said, I don’t HATE Flea, I just don’t care much for him.
I do like much of RHCP’s music though :smiley_cat:


Didn’t mean hate Flea, just Flea hate…lol, subtle difference. I only think of musicians from a music perspective, so personal stuff I get.


Didn’t mean to come off any way. He is one of my Bass heroes and a big reason I chose the instrument, so I little natural I would defend him, not that people were crucifying Here him or anything Lol.

Sometimes the way to appreciate a player is to try to play their riffs, and also look at some of the work they have done. Flea is way more than Can’t Stop or Higher Ground, which are cool as hell bass lines. But he goes soft, he goes finger style, he has melodic bass lines, ambient ones. And of course there is just the full speed pushing his limits stuff, which should impress anybody. This one here, uses chords, switches from fingerpicking to slap, changes speeds suddenly, some of the fills are absurdly difficult. There just aren’t many bassist in the world capable of doing that, especially with the variety of techniques.


I might jump in here, He has got to be a great player, he comes from a land down under :rofl: :joy: :sunglasses:
cheers Brian


He spent most of his childhood in the U.S. though. His dad had moved back to Australia and abandoned Michael (Flea), his sister and mom.
He had a very troubled childhood


Wait, why is Flea rude?


I think Flea is amazing, personally. I don’t like much of the RHCP output but that’s a different story. Flea himself is great. I love that he and Frusciante took a year off to just tour Joy Division covers.


@TNKA36 he always struck me as a man who would chunder (and possibly plunder every now and then) :rofl:


You can definitely hear his thunder.


That’s what happens when you come from a land down under, anything is possible,
Cheers Brian


I would sandbag them first. Make it look like it’s incredibly hard and frustrating, miss a note here and there, then, when they are smirking, stop.

Take your shirt off and flex your muscles Hulk Hogan style and rip into that bassline.

If you have to learn a song you don’t like, get maximum mileage out of it I say. And while they are picking their jaws off the floor, say confidently, “Old man, hell.” and walk out of there like a bawse.


Have them play some jaco, when he was in the weather report.

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