
Normally if basslines are one or 2 note bars I’d write the whole thing out in full as I haven’t found a good way to chart that but with Eye in the Sky there’s a lot of chugging so decided to experiment with charting instead of writing the whole tab down as it’s basically excess work.

And I’m actually memorizing more of the bass lines by just writing down the slides, switches and the “in between” notes.

It may not make sense how I did it to you nor does your charts need to make sense to me. If it makes sense to the writer and aids with memorization that’s all that counts right?
(Am just hoping this post makes sense to someone else as explaining my thought process can be tricky :man_shrugging:t2:)

But a rundown of how I charted this:
EADG should be self explanatory.
A2/³ E3 means chug on 2 slide to 3 then play 3 on E.
A5 and the small 5 on E means chug on 5th fret A string then hit 5 on E before changing over to A2 with a slide to 5 ending that bar on the open A string.
And so on.
Like I said, it may not make sense to you but somehow in my mind this makes perfect sense and the lines actually “click” and stay in my head now.

So I’ll chart the rest of Eye in the Sky the same way, see how long it takes me to memorize the song this way (Baba O’Riley took me 3 months to learn :roll_eyes:).
Never ending story is also a good “chugging” song to experiment this chart on but songs like Rod Stewart’s Sailing is probably a full out writing song or I’ll figure out a better technique for myself somewhere down the road for that as writing lines out is the best way for me to remember and learn instead of just playing from a page.


I have played with bands and band leaders who developed their own language for talking about music, parts of songs, ways to write it out - all of it.
If it makes sense to you, do it!
In my experience, I was always able to decipher what they intended… eventually.

Congrats, and hope things are all better from here on out.