I love it, what is it? A compressor or a Distortion?
Apparently it’s a Pedal Projects Klone
Of what? It looks like (I don’t have the description to know) a Pedal Projects is the brand and it is a clone of another pedal? does that sound right, or is KLONE its own pedal?
Did a quick research. The pedal seems to be a clone of another pedal, the Klon Centaur, an overdrive.
Here’s some additional info:
Makes sense now, thanks
I have been eyeing compression pedals for a while now but genuinely overwhelmed.
So what is the ‘one’ compression pedal you all would suggest if you had to suggest one?
Is it the Electro-Harmonix Bass Preacher? Boss? something else?
I just want a really good choice I won’t look back on.
And while we are at it…EQ pedal?
For an “eq pedal” I would instead get a preamp. Lots of good choices, I’d suggest either the Tech21 VT Bass DI or the Darkglass Vintage Microtubes Ultra. Or the EBS ValveDrive
For a compressor, I’d recommend the reviews at ovnilab, start here:
I have a Carl Martin Classic Opto-Comp and am very happy with it. I’m selling it (because I do it in the DAW now) but it is the last pedal I still own, other than my tuner. Great mellow compressor.
Ah back to the old Tech21 VT…I still think my Fender Studio Amp can do all this and I just have to play more. If i want to do something a bit simpler in a pedal or ditch/upgrade the amp I will consider this or the darkglass
I found I do not like the compressor on the Studio amp very much though.
That’s WAY too many reviews. sigh.
Behringer has been around for quite a while and I have quite a bit of their equipment, including their microphones. The only people I see complaining about them are people that seem to think that paying at least twice the price for the same thing gives them something a lot better. The Behringer inline tuner is an example of this. I have never had any issues with any Behringer products.
Behringer has two compressor products ie. 1-Compressor/Limiter ($42) and 2-Compressor Sustainer ($73). I do not know what the difference is between them so ask which one would you recommend?
still, a graphic EQ can be really useful
Great advice.
I think we have all been in this situation.
I like the Mooer Radar because it has a 5 band parametric EQ. I can set the EQ center and width exactly where I want. I just bypass the amp and cab sim functions (what they actually sell it for). All the graphic EQ pedals I’ve seen seem to put the EQ centers on standard frequencies or have 3 bands that are in ranges that don’t really help bass. I’d rather see more bands in the middle of what the instrument is capable of. With a parametric EQ I don’t have to depend on their band choices.
I like multiband or side chain shaping compressors. It’s more difficult to figure out at first, but I think easier to get what I want later. After reading 100 reviews on onvilab, I liked what they had to say about FEA Labs and thought it fit to what I wanted. This one has EQ, not on the signal that you hear, but on the signal that triggers the compression. If I want to bring up the sustain, but I still want to let the snap of the pluck through, I can EQ down the higher frequencies so they don’t trigger the compression. This is more traditionally done by setting the attack time a little longer to let the transients slip through, so not impossible on other compressors, just a different way of thinking about it and a little different character.
Another way to get at different compression for different parts of the sound is to use a multiband compressor. I don’t have this one, but it illustrates the type from the same maker.
I’m the sort of person who likes to have access to all the technical controls. I like to understand precisely what they do and dial in precisely what I want based on what I’m hearing. I find it frustrating not to be able to adjust something that I know would be better for what I’m trying to do. I also don’t like trying to guess what the 1-3 knob devices are actually doing behind my back when I turn the knob. It’s too randomly confusing for me. That said, the flip side of that argument is that I probably end up with the same complex knob settings that the mini-pedal built in when they put one knob on it. They’ve turned the knobs so many times and liked them in the same place that they decided no one really needs all those knobs to just do a few common things. They try to make it so you can twist one knob and get the usual pleasant result. Some of them are even doing things like multiband compression in the background.
If I didn’t have the compressor I have, it would be the MXR M87 because it has all the typical controls found on a single band compressor without the fancy side chain stuff and it has a meter to see what you are doing. If someone wants to just sound good, a one knob is fine. If someone wants to experiment with compression, I think the M87 is best value for fully flexible.
Good advice! If you want a real sturdy pedal I can recommend the BC-1X from Boss. All the compressors listed in the following site are top picks imo. I actually hear a LOT of good things about the Darkglass compressor.
Well I like the 'narrow it down to" DarkGlass, BOSS, MXR. But now to decide which. Half of me wants super simple and half of me wants most flexibility so I don’t decide I want more flexibility later.
Darkglass Hyper Luminal
One other advantage of having less knobs can possibly be that the device makes its own adjustments on the fly. Here Keeley automates the attack and release times.
I just sold a spare sax yesterday so decided to go for the Darkglass. Should come first 1/2 of April. So much stuff is just out of stock. Will impatiently wait.
Thanks for the help all!!
that is very cool, at least in theory!