I did a cursory look, and couldn’t find anything. Is there a setting others have set to keep the volume of the videos that same when you go to a new one? Each new video starts at full volume, and I’ve got to readjust every time I go to a new one.
It’s not deal-breaking or anything, but the laptop I’m using, and location of it make it a bit of a pain. Especially with gear on.
Yes, I’ve seen the volume goes back to full with each new video… If you adjust the volume on your laptop, and not on the video itself, it will work for all the videos…
I have the same issue. The volume of the video keeps resetting to 100% when I progress through the course.
My workaround was to plug my MacBook into the aux input on my headphone amp, and lower the system volume, instead of using the Scarlett sound interface plugged directly into my laptop. If you are on Windows, you can also use the Volume Mixer (System > Sound > Volume Mixer) to lower the output of the browser audio and keep the video playback volume at 100%.
The master system volume on any computer can be set to a comfortable listening level while watching B2B lessons. There’s no need to adjust a lesson’s video player volume.