Darkglass B3K V2 tone question, losing low end

Playing with tone through this thing I notice it loses some of the low end as it goes through, regardless of where I put the Tone knob.
Is this a normal thing for a pedal like this?
Maybe I need to bring more of the dry in, or would it be better to boost the bass on my bass (seems to only do so much).
I am going for more ‘clangy’, which means more mids/highs, but can’t the low end come along as well?


Did you turn on Grunt? When engaged provides a massive low end boost to really thicken your sound.


This is one reason I loved the Microtubes X - it let you dial in how much bass vs treble to bias towards, and LPF/HPF for filtering each end. So there was a lot of control there.

Plus I think it sounded better than the B3K too but that is of course subjective.

On the B3K does the grunt have three envelope settings like on the B7K? If so, just open the low end up :slight_smile:


For what I am looking for, the Grunt adds too much distortion vs. overdrive ‘clang’.
It is cool for what it does, but not what I am looking for for this song.

No, which makes me think the B3K is a bit limited for what I was looking for.

Well, this is my problem at the moment, I have been watching zillions of videos on the two and cannot decide if the Microtubes or the B7K is the right one. I am drawing the conclusion that the B3K won’t cut it, but which dang one! I like the EQ feature of the Microtubes but the B7K has loads of features just set up differently.


I heard that means you need to get both. :rofl:



Here is the tone I am after…

oooooh that clang!
I don’t really hear the same clean clangy goodness from the X, more tube-y fuzzy from the start.

I think I am talking myself into selling the B3K and getting the B7K…


For that clang sound you could try setting tone on 12, level on 1, drive (off) at MIN and blend on MAX. Maybe grunt and mid boost on/off. It won’t solve your low end problem tho.

Also p-bass with tone 100% helps.


Will try it out.
I rewatched Bass the World’s video on it and decided to go for the B7K V2 (found a demo/mint Squid edition one in Jersey (no tax) for 330.
Will sell the B3K.
The cab sims sound very cool for DAW work in that thing too.


More for live but yeah the cab sim is cool. in the DAW you have zillions of cab sim options (lots of free ones, many amp sims come with them, etc).

B7K Ultra is a solid solid choice.


:metal: totally agree! Plus it act as a preamp too.

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It’s on its way, B3K up for sale on Reverb.
If anyone here wants it I’ll knock some $ off the asking price

Let’s see if this squid can do the trick…


That editions looks sicks!

I didn’t mention it before but you might need to use some kind of boost depending on your bass/signal chain.

Let us know if it works out!

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Best part it was sold as a ‘demo’ so I got it for 339.
It came still sealed! Either Prymaxe sent the wrong one or they sold the demo and had to make good.
Happy Happy.

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Will try it a few ways…
Current Vintera passive P
Same as above but with the Les Claypool active Ps (when they show up)
With my Sims pickups/Glockenklang preamp
I’m gonna be busy after work. Why do we have to work again…oh yeah, to buy this stuff.

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Holy cow…more clang clang clang then any trolley.
Just what I was looking for.

I tossed the Vintera P on and played around.
Its hard to get bad sound out of this thing.
So glad I bought this thing.
Haven’t even looked at the cab sims yet.