Demotivating bass lessons?

Brings to mind a quote from Pete Townshend, who a couple years ago said he was finally good enough on guitar he wasn’t embarrassed to play with others.

@pete_s you say you’re goal oriented, so am I. Just what are your goals?


That’s right, in 12 TET there are 24 different keys.

There are 15 key signatures, 3 major and 3 minor keys are enharmonic.


This is why learning theory from forums is unreliable.
I was taught In total, there are 24 keys and 30 ways to spell them .

The root of the problem with advice on theory is that in the nicest possible way I assume some of you on here are dogs that have learned to type (My favourite cartoon below). So I only get my theory from music teachers like Josh or Mark Smith, Ariane Cap etc


25, you forgot the key of life


So yes, Josh is in fact an incredible player. And he can do some stuff that i can’t even decode, let alone attempt.
When we compare ourselves to others, it’s easy to sometimes feel like we are deficient-i can say this freely, because being down on myself is easy.
Pro golfers make hitting 300 off the tee look easy-because they do it for a living. If you played 8 hours a day for 30 years, you’d look just as good making it thump.
I’ve been told it takes 10,000 hours to do something and be considered expert at it. That’s 40 hours a week for 5 years straight.
Since you haven’t don’t that (yet!) Maybe give yourself a little break and realize how much fun your are having. Being kind and forgiving to yourself is just as important as being that way to people around you.
I hope maybe hearing from another who struggles helps. Keep it in your hands, keep practicing.


What is “TET”?

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I have to say i actually found an Italian teacher who has a bass course whose attitude, manners and content are on par with Josh’s (even if the quality of the production is quite lower than B2B). His course is in Italian tho so not much international. he also has a yt channel even if he’s not updating it lately due to some personal issues as he said. I bought his course too and I think it’s worth it much like Josh’s. It has to be the bass who attire the best of people has it not? :wink:


Thank you. It’s above my understanding, unfortunately. I never heard the abbreviation TET before, so now I will learn a little something today, at least! :slightly_smiling_face:


24 for your ears, 30 for your eyes :joy:


discouraged by slap again. I think I’m going to skip module 13 for a while. The thumb position just feels so incredibly unnatural and missing strings/smacking other strings/causing other strings to ring is really frustrating. I’ll just have to practice slapping more and come back to it…


Don’t know about dogs that learned to type but I do know there are TROLLS that you have to watch out for that contribute very little or nothing useful to conversations. :rofl: :rofl:


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I’m not trolling you Percy. But in regards to music theory you basically said Ariane Cap was wrong.
My problem is that I don’t know enough theory to know who is right.
So do I go with her? Her bio says “She entered the Academy of Music Vienna in 1996 studying Jazz Bass and Bass Education” So we have a professional educator, professional musician or some guy who I don’t know on the internet telling me that 24 keys is not the right answer.
It’s not personal. I just have a limited amount of time to study. So I choose to learn from professionals.
That’s it. No trolling. Just being efficient with my time.


I’m right there with you on slapping, it is frustrating and I can’t do it so I don’t even bother anymore. …on to the things I can do.

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They’re both right.

Is a note an A# or a Bb? That’s all the difference is.

24 keys, 30 ways to spell them.

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Well, if you’re going to count enharmonic keys, why not count theoretical keys too?


Hey @Celticstar let’s draw a line under this. You’re right that I contribute little to music theory. I don’t comment on the theory, because I don’t know enough about it.
However I feel I’ve contributed in other ways.
Since starting to learn Bass from absolute zero 14 months ago, I have learned 14 songs in their entirety, posted them to YouTube and put them up on here. Some of them in the 50 song Challenge and others in the ‘Post Your Covers’ thread. Are they any good? Well not really, but you can see some progression as the months go on.
What’s the positive contribution to the Bass Buzz community from posting videos? Well if just one person watches the video and thinks “he started from never having played a year ago and can do that, then so can I; if I get my head down and put the hours in” That’s the power of positive reinforcement.
Oh and I’ve made a few people laugh. It’s been a pretty stressful time for a lot of us over the last year. So if a few people have a giggle at one of my stupid comments. Good. Sorry you don’t find them funny.
Here’s my latest attempt at trying to play bass. I look forward to watching and enjoying your covers in the months ahead. Dymuniadau gorau


You have. I actually get a good laugh out of a lot of your comments as well; it always comes across as good-natured to me, anyway.


Sorry dude, you are so wrong here.
Your videos rock!
I look at some of the stuff you do and go ‘man., I want to do that!!’.


And you forgot your most important contribution…