Demotivating bass lessons?

Me too, which I find strange as a beginner. I keep waiting for the shitposting but it hasn’t happened yet. I’ll laugh about it when it eventually does.


I have never seen that on the B2B site.

If it does happen I am sure everyone else will go after the individual and tell them to either be constructive or leave.

You’re among friends here.
Friendliest forum I have ever been on. :+1: :+1: :+1:


Gee I wonder who you are talking about.
Not sure how he gets new players to join.
And just think you are paying for this crap :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


A couple of tips for you (and possibly for @kristine too):

  1. If and when you are ready to record and post a cover, upload it to YouTube as “unlisted”. That way, it won’t show up in any YouTube searches or anything. It will only be accessible through a direct link, which you can post here on the forum.
  2. If you’re self-conscious, keep your head/face out of the frame when filming yourself. Plenty of headless bass players did this before you. You can use a pseudonym for your YouTube account as well if you like.
  3. Do not worry about the feedback you will receive here on the forums. Literally everyone here is either in the same boat as you are, or has been in it recently enough to remember what it was like. All you’ll receive is encouragement and constructive criticism.

I myself did pretty much all of this for my covers. I recently changed all my YouTube videos from “unlisted” to “public”, and you know what happened? NOTHING. Nobody watches, comments on, or cares about my videos. It’s reassuring, humbling and slightly annoying all at the same time :sweat_smile:


Thanks for the response @Celticstar @Mike_NL
I didn’t mean this forum, I can’t imagine someone “destroying” me here for uploading a botched cover :sweat_smile: But I’ve seen enough on Facebook or YT…
I must work on my confidence, then sooner or later you can expect my participation :smile:


Looking forward to it!


Lol. I had one comment where someone on my YouTube video asked me where I got my duvet cover!


:joy: :joy: :joy:
Thank you both! It’s a gray day here, and a little laughter is most welcome!
I didn’t know about the “unlisted” feature on YT…hmm… :thinking:


@kristine when you upload a YT video there are a few stages to the upload. The final tab asks you to chose how you want to publish. So you can choose private, unlisted or public.
Like @Mike_NL said you can always go back after and change the settings at any time.
Recording yourself is IMHO the best thing for your playing.


i’m giving a lecture next month (zoom and hopefully in person like the Before Times!) titled ‘i have no idea what i am doing’ and that sparked me recording myself hacking my way thru ‘feel good inc’ today. have to say it was enlightening: while i was by no stretch of reality “good”, it was encouraging because 7 weeks ago i did not even own a bass, and it was kind of cool to look at how far i have come in such a short time. and it made me realize how janky some of my fingering is. so i agree: recording yourself is a good move even if only you see it.


When an instructor refers to a song as beginner or easy or basic and you are struggling with it…that a punch in the ego.


So true

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Never heard the Seals got to learn bass too…


You, my friend, have the muscular stumps of a bass man :sweat_smile:


I think the same when I hear someone call it a beginner or student bass. People apologize for owning such models.

Be proud of your bass is my motto


Oh! I actually thought of a comment relevant to your question, Josh lol! One day I was researching a song and realized it really needed to be played with a pick. I had a memory of you throwing a pick over your shoulder in one of your videos, so I started looking for other sources. Found one and it was like, almost half an hour long. I’m one of those attention-deficit YouTube watchers, and my first thought was, “JFC, why would it take 30 minutes to explain this? I bet Josh could do it in ten.”

I tried to watch but got bored. I’ll get back to that song after Module 16.


I wouldn’t think to stop based on a lesson but If by demotivating you mean forget this, I’m out, moving on, then:

  1. Rambling instructor but not saying much, and by the time that we get to playing I forgot why I started the video in the first place.
  2. Diving straight to music theory beyond my knowledge and staying there without acknowledging that maybe someone might be missing the point
  3. Demonstrating how to play a passage “magician style” you know simply playing without a visual or really explaining or slowing down and expect me to follow what the fingers are doing, and the result is me asking “how did he do it?”

Yes yes and yes.

Things that demotivate me:

  1. Here is a real easy beginner line to practice [dude proceeds to shred some shit I couldn’t do in 5 years]

  2. Dude or dudette talks superfastabouttheorystuff that goes way over my head and I can’t follow.

  3. Dude or dudette doesn’t put a score or tab up and the camera is too far away for me to see what is playing.

  4. Pretty much anything slap related.

In terms of what I do…if its a presentation thing, I look for another video. If its a plain old skill thing (slap) and I get super frustrated, I just put in down, give it a day and come back and try and take things real slow; maybe not even finish the video all at once.


Thanks for the tip. I watched his “Gettin’ Down on the Upbeats” earlier today. Very much enjoyed it even if what he did seems out of reach at this point.

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I lose motivation when I feel like upward momentum is stalling? I’m limited by inexperience and slow, clunky sausage fingers. So therefore my progress isn’t what I’d like. Things that other people get in minutes take me days.
I then remember that I started doing this 9 months ago for fun. It had always been something I wanted to do, but I never told anyone or tried on account I didn’t feel like I had any support-and frankly, I was scared green that I’d fail miserably.

So when I don’t feel like I’m motivated, I grab a bass and play just for fun. No scales, no finger exercises, no specific things to learn. Just playing because I love it. In my sandals and my bobs burgers Louise hat.
Remembering that I’m doing this because it makes me happy is what helps me. I’ve got zero to prove to the world.
Sometimes it’s good Just making it thump, I’m good with that.