Did anyone do the TalkingBass "Technique Builder " course?

Funny thing is that the bass always delays a little after the guitar, which makes it even better. Imperfection is true perfection sometimes!

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still does :slight_smile:

Nor should you be - many tabs are misguided for fingering :slight_smile:

Excellent work on finding alternate fingerings, learning how this works on the fretboard is a fundamental skill.


Yes. I only play songs that I love.


I think that’s exactly what you should do. A tab is someone’s view on how the baseline should be played. I’ll often change the fretting pattern, this is especially so if the bass part has been written for a 5-string and I’m playing a 4 (‘cos I’ve only got 4s!). There is no choice but to change it then!!




I’m accepting the fact that I look like an older version of Peter Parker’s best friend or his father, :joy:

If you have never film yourself playing before this would be the best lesson ever. I’m still struggling with where to look as in general I don’t look down the neck while plying.


LOL, 100% what is going through my mind as I’m recording for video - "Am I staring at my fingers? What if I look over there? Have I been looking over there too long? Do I look goofy? :rofl: "


:rofl: usually I look straight ahead but when I record the cover my camera is slightly to the center and the external monitor is next to it. If I look at myself on the video I’d get about a half a second to almost a second delay which mess me up pretty good.

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I’m thinking of wearing a disguise, Residents style, and just look right into the camera!


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The Eyes have it!


Yeah, replying to myself. Instead of doing schoolwork tonight (module 8 in B2B) I went and got the tab for Siamese Twins and cranked away on that. I finally had an excuse to play with effects and threw in some compression and fuzz. It’s so easy to play that I got my bass face going while I was looking down all sullen and broodingly. I need to get the outro stuff cleaned up. The tab on Songster is missing some notes as well. For what’s going to be my first cover and a song I’ve loved since about 1983 when I was 6, I’m pretty excited to try and record it.


Thats awesome!

Is this correct?

Cure (The) - Siamese Twins.pdf (180.9 KB)

Before @Howard complains :slight_smile:

Source is Songster.
Fun fact: I have two versions and the length of none of those matches the Songster Tab:

EDIT Ooops, I did it again:

I think it depends what your long term goals are @Whying_Dutchman

If eventually like me you want to leave your room and play bass with other people then learning songs is important.

It teaches you to stay in time for 3,4,5 minutes at a time. It improves your stamina. It teaches you to listen to the song not just play video games ie Rock smith. It gives you a real no bullshit feedback loop if you record yourself and then listen back to your efforts.

There are quite a few of us who did the B2B course as beginners and then went and had a go at the 50 song challenge/post your covers. Without exception everyone has improved. Nobody has got worse.

So technique is important because it allows you to play songs and I think that’s where the fun is.

Simple equation. The more time you spend playing bass the quicker you’ll improve.

Don’t overthink this shit just play bass.


It’s in my nature to overthink! :slight_smile:

So, I don’t plan to play in bass in a band as a) I will never be good enough to play what I want b) I am not looking to be on stage, playing live and c) I’m generally an obnoxious person and I don’t want to terrorize any more people than necessary ^^

I need to go back to my original motivation: except for my built-in love for music (music is my #1 passion!!!), I was just looking for a way to chill, as my brain is running wild all the time, and there is no way to tame it (I’m European, so we don’t like subscription drugs).
Playing bass relaxes me and gets my neurons in tune.

But - like with everything new: it became a serious project, where I did not only want to do it (play), but understand (music) theory, disassemble and modify the bass, get the technique right and get a feeling for the “psychology” of others (which is BassBuzz to me).

So I’m doing B2B, play along Rocksmith like songs, chat on BassBuzz and have fun.
The 50 song challenge is not for me though - I need to love the song I play. Those songs are mostly what my parents would play…

For posting my covers I need to overcome my natural and very endearing shyness, and find a way that @sundog is not laughing pitifully about my ploink-ploink-ploink. I know he will ^^

So, my eternal quest for getting technique right continues…

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If you practice enough you will be good enough to play with others. But you have to put in the work.

I’m impressed that you are self aware to realize that you might be a bit of a twat but it’s never to late to change!

If you are as old as I am you know that you cannot change anymore … even better: you start to like being a twat and don’t want to change :slight_smile:

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Ok but I disagree, I think getting older can give you a sense of perspective that you don’t have when you’re younger.

Being kinder and more supportive to others, costs literally nothing.

I just shoveled my neighbours driveway after it snowed and they were out of town. I listened to a podcast and got some fresh air. It’s pretty easy to not be a jerk.


A jerk is not a twat! I kind of like the word “twat”, maybe because of Guesthouse Paradiso?