Dreaded ring pinky woes

Welcome @whitlock1987 - if that’s your birthyear: yay, someone in my agerange! ('86)

I did not have exactly this issue. I have the issue that when I lift the ring finger the pinky also raises further away from the fretboard. The only way I know how to deal with these issues is: do what I want as a result incredibly slowly. Like bullet time. Focusing on each little movement in my fingers.

It is a slow and deliberate process because you have to teach yourself to use a muscle combination that you have not used before. For me that is the only thing that works. Finding a mistake and bite-sizing it like Josh recommends in his finger exercises video - which is the other thing I would recommend. I usually do a 5-10 minute exercise warmup with the finger exercises on my practice website. You can do it with any drumbeat or metronome though.

Thread and info about the website: Groove & Scale Practice Website