Drum Pedal for Practice

Abybody use a decent, inexpensive pedal for a drum track to practice to? WHich one? What’s your experience with them? Looking for one, but don’t want to spend a bunch on it, and don’t need a looper or anything esle.

Not exactly “inexpensive” but still, this thing is incredible:


Yeah, thanks but that’s way more than I want to spend. Just looking for something to use at home for practicing.

I have the Beat Buddy (was around $480) which does a lot of things, but the Beat Buddy Mini 2 ($149) is a basic model that’s pretty cool also!

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I use a basic drum machine; the KR mini Korg Rhythm Compact Drum Machine. Sells for less than £70 in UK. I use it with bass, guitars and harmonicas. Enough for home practice.

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Super cheap and does the job.

If you need drums for practice, consider using a DAW. This way you can play along with drumm loops. You gain the option to record yourself for later reviewing. Some DAW’s like logic pro have a virtual drummer and are really easy to learn and set up.


just look up drum tracks on YouTube.
all kinds of different genres and tempos.


If you’re just looking for a drum track to practice to, not necessarily looking to make your own drum tracks, the Zoom B1 Four is great. It comes with, like, 60 or 70 built in beats of all different styles. And it’s only $100 or so.


Great ideas here. Thanks everyone, especially @Paul_9207 , never even considered I could find them on YouTube!

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This one perhaps:

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I just use drum plugins in my DAW. This is especially easy with GarageBand/Logic; Ableton’s builtins are good; I mainly use ones I have bought though.

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Do these exist in reaper?

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Many drum plugins work in Reaper but you need to buy them. You can also make your own kit using ReaSampleMatic but I would buy a good drum plugin, personally.

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What was the name of the site @gcancella wrote where you could program your own? I’m blanking…

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I personally bought EZ Drummer years ago, but these days it looks like there are some good free options too. For one:


SSD5 is fantastic and the paid version is my main drum plugin for non-electronic drum sounds.

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Youtube, search on backing tracks.

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yeah it really depends on if you want canned drums or a drum musical instrument. The plugins are definitely full musical instruments that you can use to make your own music. They are also fantastic practice tools though.


I swear by this app -

It’s full of great MIDI performances of actual feels and parts played from actual tunes.
Has great feel for a drum loop option.

It’s not a pedal, but it’s been great for me.