Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

For you older kids out there, back in the 70’s there was a band called Emerson, Lake, and Palmer. Keith Emerson was the keyboardist in the band which consisted of keyboards, bass, and drums. The basic music of the band was keyboard oriented. Just watched a video of Carl Palmer from 2018. No keyboards, just a guitarist, bassist, and Palmer on the drums. Thought the way the bass was used was interesting and something that would be fun to learn how to do. Sounds like possibly the bass is hooked into a synth pedal, but maybe not. So if you are interested check out the video. Cheers!


I saw them play at the Majestic Theater in San Antonio. They put on an amazing show.


Maybe the bass has a synth pedal, because when Greg was playing guitar, Keith also handled the bass I believe with pedals. Jeeze Carl has a much smaller kit.

ELP was a great band in the golden age of prog. Keith was a bit over the top but that’s great.

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A bit over the top? He used to bounce his keyboard all over the stage! (LOL)

I can’t remember if I posted this previously, but anyway I went to see ELP way back in the early/mid '70s. Can’t remember exactly when but I do remember I was under age for going into the Top Rank Club where the gig was. I also remember Emerson attacking his keyboard with an axe towards the end and they finished with Palmer giving a drum solo on this massive drum set; you could hardly see him behind them and he was completely surrounded including these huge gongs. Anyway this drum solo went on for sometime and we could see this club official trying to crawl under one of the gongs, presumably to tell him to stop. Palmer saw him, grabbed the mallet (??) and gave it an almighty whack. After which a rather dazed looking official came staggering back out! :rofl:

Just googled it and it was Nov 1972 and I was 15! (I was already 6 foot by then)


I can’t remember for sure if I saw them in the 70’s. I think I got tickets to see them, but definitely don’t remember seeing any crazy stage antics.

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Huge fan of them… they put out some really brilliant stuff and each one brought in a unique “flavor”. Still, for whatever reason, almost every album had at least one “stinker” in there - stuff where you’d go “WTF?” nowadays.
Perhaps they were under pressure to release albums regularly and used obvious filler material, or a producer pushed them to include more “commercial” stuff!? Who knows…

Imagine what would have/could have been if Jimi Hendrix had been part of the group (as initially planned)!?! HELP :wink:


A favorite story of ELP is they had been touring hard, and took a break for about 18 months. When they got back into the studio, they just jammed. Keith was playing around with a classical piece, Greg thought it was cool and jumped in with a shuffle on bass, and Carl then added his drums. An enterprising engineer hit record, and that’s what’s on the record. All improvised on one take.


Now that’s cool, and often some of the best music ever made! Just feeling it and recording. That’s what happened with SRV and the song Rivera Paradise!

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