Can you just get the buttons? I have one good strap, It’s the nice 4.5 inch Levy strap. I have EB strap locks on it. I hate buying the whole strap lock setup for just the buttons on all my basses. Anyone have a lead on just the buttons? If I had a 3D printer, I’d make them.
Don’t know. Doubt it. But there has been a big fan of those on the forum. I think it was @EddieJones, but I’m not sure. Maybe he’ll chime in.
@Tommydogg it’s a no last time I checked. They are the same as the Fender ones but less color choices.
For what it’s worth, Schaller strap lock buttons are sold separately.
Yep, this.^*^
Yep, Schaller ftw. Lets me have one strap for two basses and a guitar. Perfect.
Schaller Locks are awesome and you buy the individual parts as needed instead of having to buy a whole kit just to get the guitar parts.
So I tried the beer washers and my rotating strap eventually worked the screw out!
I think I’m going to let my kids get me the Shaller’s for Christmas
Have Schaller’s on all my guitars. They rock.
Just bought 2 pair. I love how the red beer washers look but working the screws out of my stingray ain’t gonna fly
My Ibanez EHB 1500 came with Schaller locks fitted. But I actually have a strap on each of my instruments and so don’t switch them around. One reason for that is that I actually have the straps set to slightly different lengths for each one as the mounting points, or thickness in the case of the acoustic, make for slightly different length needs.
I’m just lazy. Each bass has it’s own strap so I can pick it up off the rack, put it on and plug in.