Explain this like I am five - Recording Bass on Computers

Thank you JK, much appreciated

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Unfortunately this link doesn’t work.

@Lanny : is your website down, or being re-structured, Lanny?? Hope all is well in Georgia!?!


Hi Rob,

you could message the owner of the link (not sure if that’s @Lanny).

I’m currently recording in OBS Studio, which is another way to do it. Check out the link below, if you are curious.

My advice is to just get started and try things out. Reading up on this topic can be overwhelming - and at the end of the day, you will need to “just do it.” :+1:



Thanks Antonio, I figured it was something very practical to just try. I know OBS and it is a good piece of software. Which interface do you use to connect the instrument to your computer, if I may ask?

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I have an Arturia Minifuse 2. It’s fine, it has all the features you need to get started. There’s more at this thread: Time for a new audio interface



Thank you Mike!


I think if you are starting and want to record your progress it’s better to record video with audio. A simple iPhone video is a great way to do that. If you want to step up a bit on recording audio quality then add something like the GoMixer Pro or Pro X but having own both I’d go with the Joyo MoMix. Cheaper and USB type C. It’s very easy to use.



Check this out for an inexpensive way to start. Audio interface plus a bunch of free software included to have fun with different amps / tones.



Roland Go Mixer Pro…and 3 other items,bass, cellphone and you…easy peasy Roland - GO:MIXER PRO | Audio Mixer for Smartphones


getting the sound into the computer is the easy part. learning how to record it is the tricky part. there are simple ways to just hit a record button and get the raw input recorded and maybe that’s what you want to do (for recording practice or whatnot). but if you want it to actually sound good you are approaching the world of the DAW, like ableton or pro-tools, and that is difficult to explain to a five year old. it is teachable, but it takes a lot of small steps that build on each other.


Also recording audio on a computer is different than recording video like for example a cover video.

Depending on your computer or device you are using, you should already have a built in recording app. All you need is the interface and a good one is pretty cheap. The initial setup is just merely downloading the plugins


That is something that I am not sure about. I was given a DAW (Ardour) for free, but it seems rather complicated. Also, while I am interested in plugins like amp simulators and basic effects, I am not sure which ones are good or worthy. Do you have any experience/recommendations?


Someone around here might know :slight_smile:


Hmm, I should update that top post a bit, getting dated.


Also - Ardour is free (which is very nice) but it would not be my top choice. What OS are you on?


Ableton Live 11 Intro (not free) has a selection of amp and effects presets which come with the DAW and are OK for bass and guitar. I found the Basic Bass amp preset today and its OK for my (lack of) skill level. For guitars I’ve been using Blue Cat Audio’s free amp - they also do phaser, flanger and chorus effects. I’ve started to try to use some of these with the bass with varying results. I tend to get quite a lot of hiss on some presets - less on others - not sure where this problem originates. Maybe the audio interface I use? Anyway I’m still discovering.


If you want effects plugins for guitar and bass, Amplitube 5 would be my current recommendation. Huge number of bass and guitar amps and effects pedals. Really amazing plugin. Max goes on sale for $99 pretty frequently.

My favorite bass amp sim is still Kuassa Cerberus though, and I do most of my effects via Kilohearts and MeldaProduction plugins. Despite owning Amplitube.

For a DAW today, I would go with Reaper or Logic, if on a Mac; Reaper or Ableton if on Windows; Reaper if on Linux. However I am also pretty curious about Bitwig, looks like a nicer and more powerful Ableton Live but with fewer frills and included content, for substantially less money.



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