Favourite genre of music?

Ha, just mentioned the Foos in another thread. I suspect I’d get on well with your music collection your tastes seem uncannily similar to mine.

What other bass/drum duos are worth checking out?


Not sure if Gio would self-promote as much as he SHOULD here, so I’ll do it for him - his bass/drum duo Toast Machine was SO awesome, I used to go hear them play when I was a teenager and it really inspired my bass playing. Dig it!


Gave Toast Machine a quick blast and I likey :sunglasses: (Am I hearing some Smashing Pumpkins inspiration on the opening tracks?) That’s today’s gym music sorted. It’s on Spotify too if anyone’s interested…


I am more confused than ever about genre preference now that taking B2B has got me understanding a little bit about music and noticing bass lines. Falling in love with music of many genres.

If someone else is DJ, I am very open to any genre, and over the years always loved rock n roll and then new wave, but the past 10 years, I kind of get bored with music that lacks soul or a clear African influence (so love R&B, jazz, Afrobeat, reggae).
In recent years I played Orchestra Baobab, Salif Keita, Budos Band in the car over and over. In the late 70s 80s, Talking Heads was my favorite band, and I continued to love them even more with all the African-derived rhythms. Loved those David Byrne compilations (Brazilian etc). I was obsessed with D’Angelo for a while and was very confused as to why he wasn’t THE biggest thing and didn’t win all awards and play everywhere all the time. Is he underappreciated?


Welcome to the confused club :crazy_face: There’s so much great music out there it’s hard not to have eclectic tastes. Just checked out those bands you mentioned, liking Budos Band :+1:

Update, listening to this…

Cool, cool. cool.


Ha! You know me too well Josh! Thanks for firing the first shot. I love Toast Machine, even though we don’t play anymore. Here is my favorite example of the Toast Machine experience:

And - Budos Band RULES.


The drummer is awesome. I just listened for a few. I’ll go back to hear the whole thing tonight.


Terrific stuff. Love the energy live


Thanks Chris!
90% Energy, 10% accuracy was our working equation.


Makes me wish I could do the math! That was awesome.


Gio, Man that is crazy good! I now feel all bad about myself! And your full name reminds me of the neighborhood I grew up in! Just keeps getting better!


volcano song is my fave!

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Yikes! I know the feeling oh so well. The way of true rockage is one of inclusion, where one one doth rock, we all doth rock. Hope the bad feelings meld into super stoked inspiration… I know they do for me. That’s why live shows - no matter how much the bassist makes me feel like I’m in school - are the best!!


Gio, very few bassists play as well as you. I been around for 70 years so I’ve seen a few. But to be such a nice guy too is special. Thank you for that. I rock in the old school way, one note at a time. Which is very exciting for me! Thanks to Josh, I am really improving and loving every minute of it!


Thanks again for the kind words! One note at a time is what the world needs! I’m stoked that you’re loving every minute of the bass journey. A good teacher is worth his or her weight in gold.


Gio, if you ever perform in Southern Cal, please let me know and I’ll be there!

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I don’t know what genre of music this is. But this is the kind of bass and drums I want to play. These cats are going to be in Vegas in November. I’ll be going. I like the groove.


Yeeeah! This band is picking up real good steam and traction. I love these grooves. Madeski Martin and Wood do a great job of the understated/perfect/grooviest bass line for the job also. Good call here.


I also like that their name means: Airplane, in Thai. That fits with me just fine. :grinning:

I can second that. I’ve been playing a long time, but thanks (mainly) to Josh I’ve picked up a whole lot of stuff I never would have tried. Not just genre but style too. Still can’t slap worth a damn.