Hello thick strings lovers, please help me resolve a slight mystery about my new Jaguar. It was purchased a couple months ago as a new equipment.
After plugging in the bass with the same settings the neck pickup sends out a nice Pbass fat clean sound but adding the bridge pickup on full volume the output volume of the bass decreases about 50%…
Playing only on bridge pickup sound very pitchy and silent. (Compared to my Squier 60s vibe JB bridge pickup).Even the character of the bass fades away in the band the mid freq are getting lost in the frequencies of the guitars when played with both pickups fully opened. I can only use the neck pickup to hear myself playing during concerts and rehearsalas….
Has anyone experienced such “defect” on a Jaguar? If so what would you recommend ? I love the bass…but this makes me worried😳
Sounds like the pickups are out of phase. One likely needs to be reversed.
Same thing happens to my American performer Mustang. Just back off a tad and that’s your full volume.
Thank you! I hope that will help
@howard any hints on how to reverse the pickup?
Really? What do you mean by back off a tad?
Actually same goes on my G&L SB2 as well. When both volume knobs at max the volume drop but backing off the bridge pickup just a little bring the volume back to full.
I’d do the Jazz pickup; just reverse the input and output wires where they are soldered. If that fixes things, great! If not, you can always put it back.
Though it is kind of weird that you mention that the bridge pickup works poorly soloed too.
My American Performer Mustang doesn’t do this. Might want to have yours looked at.
For sure it’s not a built in feature but it doesn’t bother me.
Honestly yours sounds wired out of phase too
Thank you @howard you are the best! i will definitely give it a try. The bridge pick up works great solo, but looses the “power” when bridge pickup is fully on.
Didn’t it come with some kind of warranty? Because in that case I’d take it back to the shop, instead of tinkering with it myself.
Yeah good point
Hi Mike, yes purchased on Thomann.de.
If it’s still under warranty you should definitely contact them.
Then I’d send it back. They have a very good return policy, and if it’s still inside the warranty period, they should repair or replace it. If you start messing with it yourself (no offense), you risk voiding the warranty.
Yes for sure, get the warranty work. You paid for it!
I have reached out to the customer service support and must send them the sound comparison before sending out the bass…thank you all for helping me figure this out!
Hi guys, a short update - my claim was declined.
The reasoning follows:
Unfortunately this does not sound like a fault.
If both PU’s are fully open you are basically in humbucker mode which will have a big impact on the overall sound and its also not unusual that the bridge PU has more treble.
As this is quite disappointing… my options are to rephase the bridge pickup as @howard suggested or install new pickups ?
If replacing the pickups what would you suggest? I have seen many people recently replacing the MIM pickups instantly after purchasing new bass…
Thank you for all the ideas and recommendations on pickup brands and your experiences!