Fender play review

interesting review of the “fender play” lessons (TLDR: he is not a fan, and notes that it primarily exists for people to keep playing and buy more fender gear). also lots of shoutouts for @JoshFossgreen and BB in the video and the comments:


I saw this this morning. No time to watch it yet, but Amp is one of the YT channels I follow


I got a 3 month trial when I bought one of the bass… Considering that Fender is one of the biggest instrument company in the world and it has all kinds of endorsement from many of my favs. Their lessons are just about 6-7 levels below SubPar. The most advance lessons on each instruments guitar, and bass are just simply ridiculous.


I’ll say that I like Fender Play - it’s a gateway into finding lessons, getting to know your instrument and it has some nice features, like being able to favourite lessons that you can then go to more easily. And for me, the presenters had a friendly and professional attitude, which was refreshing.

It doesn’t have to be an either or - think of the days when you got a book with your guitar… before finding a teacher. :slight_smile:

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