Fender Rumble LT25

I’ve had my Fender Rumble LT25 now for about a month now. I purchased it because of the price and reviews of it’s features. I am really enjoying the amp and even more now that I got around to updating the firmware. DO THAT FIRST!!!

I’m kicking myself for not doing it from day one because it solved a buzzing problem I was having when using the blend knob to switch between my pickups. I honestly thought there was something wrong with the active EQ on my Ibanez SR370E, but it was the amp after all. (thank God!) My bass sounds MUCH better after the update too!!!

The manual can be gotten here… Rumble LT25 Manual

However the manual does a poor job (basically none) of telling you how to update the firmware.

Download and install the Fender Tone software here… Fender Tone Software

I am writing this from the PC perspective, so if you have a MAC your mileage may very :slight_smile:

Install the software, open it, connect the amp to your PC, and then turn the amp on. It will take a min or so for it to recognize everything and complete the setup. Once it is happy, you can update the firmware.

They have a video on how to upgrade the firmware here… Firmware Update Video

The video talks about WiFi settings on a Mustang GT100 you don’t have, so skip to the 32 second mark. When you hold down the encoder button, power on and release. The screen on your Rumble LT25 will go blank. I held down the encoder button for 6 seconds and released.

If everything works properly the Fender Tone software will see the amp needs an update and walk you through the process. You may have to hit the re-scan button in the software to get it to see it but it only takes a sec to do that.

The firmware update process is pretty automated and takes a little over a min to happen. Just don’t power the amp down while the update is in progress. I don’t think you can brick it totally, but I think you would be calling their support at that point to fix it.

Once the firmware update it done it unlocks a TON of features that should have been there from day one. As much as you can tweak each preset, amp, pedal, and effect on the Rumble LT25 itself, you can do a LOT from the software. You can experiment with each amp and pedal and make changes to the pedals themselves in the software . It’s really cool and pretty easy. Then with the update in place you have 30 blank spots (31 to 60) to load more presets from the AMP, or from the Fender Tone app, or save your own tweaks to a preset or create new ones from scratch.

Want to know what a compression pedal does and sounds like, there is a virtual one to play with. EQ’s, Over Drives of several flavors, different amps, Wah pedals, delay, sustain, echo, phaser, synth, it’s ALL in there.

This is a really fun toy!!! I find myself switching between presets when practicing the workouts. It makes playing the same thing over and over very enjoyable. Granted there are some in there that makes cool sounds, but I’m not sure how you could actually play a song with them. But it’s all good fun!

Hopefully I’ll get around to tying the recording ability off the USB interface this week too.

Hope this helps