Filling the post B2B VOID!?!?

Private lessons folks.
Fills the gaps, helps set goals, and timelines (between lessons) helps you sort thru the OVERWHELMING world of what’s out there on YT, amazon books, which things are important for your specific goals, and setting those goals if you just don’t know. I started lessons 2 weeks ago, and have my 2nd lesson on Tuesday, and I feel, no I am certain this has been my most productive 2 weeks on bass since going thru B2B.
I know all my weeks to come will be great as well with the teaching and guidance, coaching from a really good teacher.
I highly recommend private lessons, to fill the void, or for now, just til the next course, picking up after, whatever. Even at once a month, it can help your month be a stronger, structured learning month for sure.
So grab a good teacher. I know you guy,ay be biased but I got the best teacher, I am sure there are lots of great ones out there, who knows, maybe even mine.

Also, in case you do not know, on @JoshFossgreen website, he has 3 ebooks you can purchase cheap, and I am only theu chapter 3 of the first book on scales, it is a great book. And you know the teaching style already, it transfers pretty well to paper (text) also, so check those out, that’s another way to fill the void, Learn your fretboard thru scales and arpeggios and 5he excercises and lessons in those books.