I recently started a bass course about scales and concentrated on the beginning of a practice routine when I bought a Kemper Profiler Player.
I could tell that I’ve been practicing. My fingering felt tighter and my scales were running nicer than before. I also found my hands moving towards where I wanted them to go more intuitively.
Evidently its working learning songs and focusing on practice. It’s nice to feel it
what songs are you learning, and could you tell us about that course?
It’s the Scales course on Talking Bass. It’s quite in depth. I’ve got a lot of the knowledge of how scales work and interact so I’m looking to learn the drills and remember them over the neck.
In addition to the Snatch Game songs (Bunch of Rupaul obvs! Gaga, Kylie, Sam Smith & Kim Petras, Dua Lipa and Charlie XCX) I’m just learning songs I’ve always enjoyed the bass on. Currently learning a load of Suede basslines on Ultimate Guitar and going to tackle Blur soon as Alex James is an interesting player. I’ve been analysing his playing recently and it’s really interesting
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