For those with work-from-home jobs

Does your day start anything like this? Or is it just me?

  • Wake up slightly before, or with, the alarm. Grumble.
  • Hop in a quick shower. Grumble.
  • Feed the birds (insert your pet here). No grumble, pets make me happy. Well, happier.
  • Sit down to work. Grumble.
  • Stare at the screen for a few minutes, still grumbling.
  • Walk over to my bass, play a few songs (usually 2 or 3 regulars, then 1 that I’m working on; just a quick run through of the parts I know).
  • Sit back down, NOW ready to work and in a much better mood.

This is very very accurate.


Sometimes, I don’t touch my bass for several days which is fine for me.
But, as soon as I have a day in the office, I am kinda like “But, but, I wanted to play my bass!”


Replacing the grumbling with smiling, I’m a morning person so as the first one up this is my sanctuary time, and the play a few songs with study a few lessons (i’m brand new to bass) and that’s me!


Not that I will admit to my employers but…

Yes. To all.


Sometimes I don’t touch my basses for weeks. It all depends on what I am working on. It’s been all guitar for me recently; I have done large stints of just keys too.

The key for me is to be always doing music of some kind. If I do that, I find going back to any of them to be like riding a bicycle. A bit rusty for a day or so but it picks right up. I don’t get any better of course, but I tend to degrade slowly in my experience. Kind of a metaphor for life in general :rofl:

I do not recommend this until you are solid with the fundamentals though. It’s more of a thing that happens after you get a couple years of solid practice under your belt.

But yes this part, this is every day :rofl:


Pretty much everything you mention except for 1 thing … I dont need to walk over to my bass, I keep it within reach! So, meetings where I’m not expected to talk much I’ll lean over and grab it. If I need to hear things through an amp though it’s then a walk to my garage for a quick plug in and play.


In all fairness, when I originally said “walk”, I’m only talking about 2-3 steps. My work desk is in one corner of the room, my bass equipment is in the other corner.

Oh, rest assured that most ZoomToMyTEAMS meetings feature me working my scales on mute. There’s a reason I don’t use video on those meetings. :smiley:


I used to do that, until I forgot to click mute and I proceeded to give them a free show. Thankfully, it was just my close knit team. Still embarrassing. Now I dont chance it.


My company people know I do that, and I have a couple of clients I’m close enough with that they know as well. I would never play bass on a call with a new or prospective client.

Heck, with one of my clients, my two main contacts are cousins; one plays guitar, the other plays keys. A lot of our calls are spent talking music. :smiley:


I took a lot guitars and amps and a drum set and set them up at work…I have more room there than the house. As long as I keep delivering and keep the boss happy I’m not getting any flak but I’m sure that a couple of missteps and things would change PDQ. I think last count I had 6 amps 15 guitars setting in the office and our storage room…LOL. I dont work at home because my favorite toys are in the office.


I do, and I don’t and I should!

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often my day looks like this :


This was pretty much me at work today.


Well played! :rofl:


I’m not sure I’m comfortable with how accurately this describes me…




And my bass is a Clifton mini 30 incher, so it’s always very easy to grab at the desk!


And then there’s those of us who are retired and still dont have enough time.


This thread makes me wish i could fix food processing equipment from home😆

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