
Hey, I have the option of buying two Fullerton guitars plus goodies for 200. The guitars that only say Fullerton on the head, not GL or anything. I’m wondering if they’re any good. Any thoughts? Thanks

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The thing that comes to mind with “Fullerton” are their unique pickups. IIRC, they were a competitor to the humbuckers that Gibson introduced back in the day. Fullerton pickups were a tad smaller, with a somewhat different sound.

Would these make for good guitars at that price?

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I don’t know enough about the guitar itself. It could be one of those things where, you get a box of stuff for $200 that’s a mixed bag with a gem in there somewhere. I know the pickups are supposed to be special, but I didn’t know they made guitars as well. My guess is that equipment must be pretty old.

I might take a look. For everything I need, plus more especially being lefty, it can’t hurt I suppose. I’m pretty much wondering if the brand itself is worthwhile or trash basically.

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Ah, the lefty. I can relate, but I decided at the get-go I didn’t want to be looking for the scissors with the green handles on them, so I play right handed with the guitar/bass. Lefties are more adaptable by the fact of the world in which we live. I’ve become more and more ambidextrous over time. You know that our Bass Teacher (Josh Fosgreen) is left handed, don’t you?

As far as a “Fullerton Guitar” goes sight unseen, I think it’s probably more of a collector novelty interest than anything. If I were learning, I’d probably pick up a Squier or something like that for a little more.

Fullerton (the town) has a rich history with music considering what a suburban tract it is in reality. Fender, G&L, others from the manufacturer side; it’s also the birthplace of SoCal punk music.

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