G&L Tribute L-2000 truss rod question

Hey, everyone. I have a 2017 G&L Tribute L-2000 that needs a little truss rod tweak after replacing the strings. I can’t seem to find a hex wrench that fits correctly, including the ones that came with my SB-2 and JB-2. Any ideas?

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I have this Ibanez multitool. It’s very handy. Dunno if it will be the correct size for the G&L, but I presume it will.

Otherwise, just get a set of angled, metric allen wrenches.

The tool above has a 4mm key. They also very cleverly built the truss-rod keys bent at about a 70* angle.

Found this:


Says it’s a 4mm. So any 4mm hex wrench should fit. If it’s not gripping the nut make sure its not stripped

Thanks! Interesting, though . . . According to that website, I should be able to use the same truss rod wrench as with my other G&Ls, but they don’t work. I’ve never made any adjustments to this particular bass’ truss rod. Don’t know how it would be stripped. May I’d better take it to a luthier/tech. Never had this issue before.

If you bought new and haven’t adjusted the rod, then yeah v.unlikely it’s stripped

All of the G&L Tributes should use a 4mm allen wrench to adjust the truss rod. But let me give you another possibility. The very first Tribute Kiloton I bought had a defective nut. Neither I or the tech at the store I purchased it at could get the 4mm hex wrench to engage in the nut. G&L ended up replacing the bass.

This may or may not be the problem but if your tech isn’t able to suss out a problem that’s different from this it’s possible your bass has the same issue as mine did. If so, and even though the bass is beyond it’s warranty, I would press G&L for a solution. They don’t typically replace Tribute necks like they do with US builds so I’m not certain how they’ll approach this one. Speak with Memo about it if you can. He’s G&L’s main guy for customer support on warranty issues. Good luck.

It may be as stupid as the bolt head being at just the wrong angle, where it’s extremely to one side so the strings or slot are interfering with getting the allen key to line up.

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That’s possible but in any event if the hex key won’t engage with the truss rod nut no adjustment of the truss rod is possible. Either the nut must be removed and realigned properly or the neck replaced.

If it was only a matter of the angle of the nut loosening or removing the strings would provide better access. If it was a truss rod slot interfering a long handled wrench of the proper size would get around that problem.

Thanks for your help, gang. It was a little tricky getting the 4mm hex into the truss rod niput, but eventually I got it. Perhaps the angle is off slightly . . . Don’t have this issue with any of my other basses. Adjusted the relief, set the intonation, and adjusted the saddle height. Happy camper here!


Yup. That’s the advantage of the wrench in that tool being at an obtuse angle instead of a 90.

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