GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome (Part 1)

Definitely light but their high end basses are far from cheap!


Yep. Light, well made, very high quality, excellent hardware and electronics, unique aesthetics, fantastic modern basses.

But not close to cheap :slight_smile:


I guess I’ve never seen the good stuff.

Better I haven’t. I got enough problems.



I’ve tried two. They feel amazing. Personal preference, but that bass is more interesting to me than any Fender, Gibson, or MusicMan. Of course, mileage varies.

And that’s not even the top end.

etc. Just fantastic instruments, modern and light.


I don’t like those SR2400, personal opinion. I don’t like how they look like neck throughs but are bolt on. I don’t mind high end bolt on, but this look turns me off their high end

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I think Jukka Koskinen of Wintersun plays one of these.
He’s normally credited as a Warwick artist but the last few gigs I’ve seen him play he was using an SR of some description.


Honestly it’s the only bass I have found that I think would replace my TRBX, as a similar feeling upgrade. Lots of similar qualities, just done a bit better.

It’s really apparent it isn’t a neck-thru in person, I think that’s just an aesthetic choice, they weren’t trying to fake anything.

Another probably unusual personal preference, I’m glad it isn’t; for me, neck-thru is nice but isn’t worth the additional weight and I generally prefer bolt-ons.


These just don’t appeal to me.
I like the oddball fenders for sure, even some traditional ones.

Thus, when I come to Japan, we can go bass shopping, as we will not be fighting over any…


If anyone is a Jaco fanboy and wants one, here is a listing for a Jaco Pastorius fretless Fender in my neck of the woods. The same bass is also listed in “the 6” (Toronto):


Can’t post the Facebook link, but there is a MIJ Jaco nearby me for $1100 US!!!
Someone needs to buy my Rocco bass so I can nab this Jaco bass.

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To me the closest Fender to Jaco bass is the squier with the Ebonel fingerboard. Because his bass of doom had the epoxy on the fingerboard.

@howard, I love quirky Ibanez basses. When they actually go all the way and don’t even look back. My affirms bass is one of the example, the. It’s the headless multi scale that I like. The rest is kinda hit and miss.

If I wanted a contemporary design with soap bars there are much better alternatives to my liking like the older Tobias renegade or growler, rock bass by Warwick. Yamaha is also a great choice. Hopefully, I could get start on my Motion bass II sometime this year, lol. All are in the similar price range.


I love the Motion Basses. I might eventually get a MB-40; usually less than $200US here.

Yeah, I think the Yamahas are, at the same price point, generally higher quality than Ibanez. I love my TRBX to death. But Ibanez goes more vertical than Yamaha does for modern basses, at least in current production.

Of course a better path in that direction is ESP.


yeah, nice basses


You know the rare one is the 5 string Nathan East used it on “man in the mirror”. That is super retro cool.


Yeah, but that, and all the carol Kaye talk is not around SR 300’s

More like 2400’s, 5000,s, and all the others listed.

I have never said anything about those feeling flimsy or like toys, I hav only said it about SR300 and SR400, and then only about ones I owned, lr played / tested out at stores.

Again, and I wiil
say it every and anytime its brought up. i have nothing against Ibanez… i feel like the 300 and 400 feel a bit flimsy and toy like (and was not a fan of the preamp, but pups and preamps can be changed if you are in love with a bass feel and playability.
My GSR 200 did not feel like a Toy, it was my first bass, and I has it before and after the SR 300 and 400. Tone wise, ot was not as good, and I was not a fan of the sr 300 / 400 tones, so there is that, but, it did feel more like a solid well built bass compared to the toyish feel I got from the SR 30 and 400.

Ibanez rules, and makes great basses of many styles, new and old. I just couldn’t fall in love with two models, that I have playes at least several different, identical ones, so it was not based on just one bass I played.


That entire Lari Basilio album is awesome!


Weight of my Yamaha TRBX504 is no worse than my Les Paul :rofl:


“Even-more-awesomer” the entire album was recorded in one day.

Got to admit, before I heard that song for the first time I had no idea who she is. I had her song on my playlist on Amazon music for a while, til one day I decided to look it up on YouTube.

Holy crap! Nathan East, Vinnie Colaiuta, Greg Phillinganes, and the lady who wrote this song singing, these are all heavy hitters, not to mention guest appearance of Joe Satriani, who is Lari Basilio? I didn’t even know it was a she and she’s so awesome.


Yeah, these guys are no slackers :joy:


Most bands don’t have the money to hire a studio for weeks. It’s really not that uncommon to hire a studio for a day to record all your songs. I assume the editing, mixing and mastering takes much longer :slight_smile: