GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome (Part 1)

I was just having fun with it.


You are almost born at epoch time! (Thursday, 1. January 1970 00:00:00)

Loopers and Riff Pedals are something that might interest me too. I don’t want to touch effects yet as I feel like I have enough to experiment on just the basis with bass & amp without adding additonal things but looper/riff pedals might be fun.

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Stupid auto fill / correct and spell checker on this iPad in this forum.

Idk how it switched my January 22nd to January 1st. It couldn’t change it where I typed 1/22/1972, but wtf, the Jan 1st, I don’t get the auto correct logic.

I was not born Jan 1st, 1972, I corrected it in the post, but to be clear, I was born on the 22nd, not first. Everything else was correct.


I do! And it’s my favorite pedal! It’s just so damn useful. Used right I can mimic a looper which is not an intended feature but for what I sometimes need gets very handy. Of course my main purpose for the pedal is to, well, record riffs. It’s also very nice to try different effects over the recorded riff and play around with the pedals.

I also used it for composing this song with Reaper. Not its main purpose also, but it gets by.

The only downside is the app. At least on android it’s very buggy.


I’m new to loop/riff pedals. What would you usually do with the app? Or put another way: is one dependend on the app to (effectively) use the pedal?

Usually buggy propriety software is something that throws me off but it may be that it doesn’t really matter for this as you seem very happy with it!?


Off the top of my head:

  • Trim riffs for looping
  • Transfer the riff to the phone
  • Categorize and name the riffs (i love the auto generated names they have)

I don’t find myself using the app very often. It’s not a show stopper and the app should be seen as an useful addon and not a main feature


This will be an mp3 and amped up. Using the usb you get the original wav file


First, a loop pedal and a riff recorder are different, for different purposes, however, you can use one like the other with desired results in some cases is what I am getting from @gcancella post.

So @gcancella, like @juli0r asked, how do you get around the app. And my understanding is the app is primarily to be able to name and organize your riffs on the spot via Bluetooth. Is that right?
Is it supposed to do more then that.

How do you name and organize riffs if the app is shite?
If the app is supposed to do more, what is it supposed to do, and how do you get around it?

From your post, at least I believe it is exactly what I want. But I do want to know more about how to sidestep the app, if it sux on iOS as well


Would be good to get any input of someone who uses it with iOS because my first instinct is that it’s unlikely to be as bad as on android.

I don’t like apple but the QA for their app store is higher than for android. Not hard since Android doesn’t really have a QA process.

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I think I partially answered you already in an above post.

I have a Google Drive folder where I keep the riffs I absolutely don’t want to lose.

I have that feeling also. Would like to know more about iOS also


That pretty much sold me on this pedal. Now I just need to decide if I will use Amazon Credit or GC credit. Lol. Kind of depends on availability.


I don’t know if you have dogs or cats, but my dog likes to sit on my pedals sometimes and I end up with 1h long silent riffs :joy:


Well if nobody else can answer, I will be able to later today, or tomorrow.

Now I gotta look on GC to see if they have one I can curbside pickup nearby, otherwise, Amazon will place it on my doorstep on Wed.


No :disappointed:. Not now. I will own another female Rottweiler in my lifetime, at least, pending on my living arrangements in the future, I will have other dogs as permissible.


@gcancella having three boxers I fully understand that one :rofl:


Mind if I ask, what is the practical purpose of this riff recorder? I know you can have fun playing around with it and all that, but does it have a practical purpose in a band scenario for example?
I’m not trying to be smart ass, I’m just wondering.

P,S, I’ve had the looper feature available to me on the Zoom effects processor for nearly a year, and still haven’t thought of a reason to try that either.


This pedal is intended more for practice sessions than band sessions. I’m constantly coming up with my own basslines and riffs, and the pedal shines where my memory doesn’t.

It’s also nice to hear yourself doing some exercise or cover and pinpoint flaws in the playing that otherwise you may miss while playing because of the distraction of… well playing


No, as stated I am looking for a way to record riff ideas, that I will forget the next day if I don’t capture it some how. Writing it down, and I mean typing it is tedious. I can’t write sheet music, and don’t really want to write It down on made up tab lines, cuz, well. I hate any sort of hand writing. H hate anytime I have to put pen to paper.
This is an easy way to capture it.
It does more then a looper, cuz you can export it out of the pedal, or leave it in, and organize and rename it with an app. But the app sux on Android. I will see how it works on iOS


Can you export it to a DAW… Reaper for example?


I did :wink:

It records at 24-bit/44.1 kHz