GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome (Part 1)

She has bad knees so she doesn’t go up the stairs to the attic anymore


In my own instance, I’ve bagged up my Donner and placed the Sire in its place. To my wife, a black bass is a black bass. (But if she ever notices, I’ll tell her I never hid it from her, which is true, but I never made a grand announcement, so, kinda did?)


I’ve done something similar with my basses. She knows about 4 of them but not the others, but to her they all look the same


Fender Japan JB62 WAL has just joined the stable. Oh and a Fender Rumble 100 … heaven



Nice bass! Grats with both


That’s a beaut @BK


I love that color contrast @BK and the Rumble 100 is cool and not very heavy…I bought one a few months ago and don’t regret it.


Oh wow! Merry Christmas to me.

I guess Papa will be busy cooking today.

This is GAS in many dimensions, lol.


The seller advertised it without the pick guard and it looked good, but not as good as it looks with the pickguard. My Xmas is complete. Wife happy, kids happy and this new bass owner is over the moon!


Yeah but flats or rounds? Decision decisions :upside_down_face:


So, for Xmas, my awesome GF got me an IK Multimedia iRig HD 2. This thing is pretty cool. It can plug into a USB, Lighting, or USB-C port, and has a 1/4" input for your guitar/bass/whatever and a 1/4" output to go to your amp. It also has a 1/8" headphone jack. The amp output can be straight pass-through, or it can pass out to the amp whatever effects are being done on the PC/Mac/iPad/whatever.

The software that came with it - AmpliTube 5 - is kinda trash. I installed it on 2 different machines, and the recording breaks up frequently. I’ve since downloaded Audacity, and the recording is crisp and clean, and sounds really good. I have to really dive into Audacity, but I did put up a click track and recorded playing on that (click track going to headphones, bass playing recorded and going to amp via pass-through) and discovered that wow, my timing when playing is not as good as I thought it was. I also recorded some futzing around on my iPad using Garageband, and that recorded like Audacity did. Crisp, clear, and good sounding.

I realize that this iRig HD 2 is like the… Fisher Price “My First DAI” of the digital interface world, but hey. My GF got it for me, and it works, and I’m digging it. Once I figure out how to import tracks I plan on doing some really cool stuff. :slight_smile:


PC Desk assembled - Check
Laptop - Check
Scarlett2i2 - Check
Reaper Installed - Check

Almost ready to give this thing a whirl


@BK I think the grain on the body looks lovely.


Yes and no…I take it with me when I travel and use it to record. It’s a great DI and all you really need to be very portable.


Nice haul from the wife and kids (its all Christmas/birthday combo, as my bday is the 26th).
These goodies and a Sweetwater gift card from them and another from my mom.
And a sweet drill press, first step to carving out channels in basses.

Got some learnin to do.


Minor gear acquisition for me for Christmas, but I think the wife did good adding to my gear, a new engraved strap (Levy’s and soft!!) and a cool little box it came in use it for stuff and put it on a shelf in my office. What do y’all think?

I told her, “honey, thank you but I don’t have a bass in a color that matches this strap!” She nearly $hit her britches knowing its now time for me to get another new bass!! LoL

Since it is a “P” engraved on the strap, only makes sense for me to buy another “P” for this strap. I want an “old school” white with a tort pick guard. I think that’d be the cat’s meow.


Now that’s really nice!!


You’ll have to let me know what you think about the YT foot pedal. They look interesting to fix an annoyance.


Tried it today, seamless…

My only gripe is that it has the YT preset speeds only on the speed control.
So the next slowest from 100% is 75%, I use 80, 85 et a lot when ramping up, but I guess that is easily changed with the mouse. The looper works great etc.


Naturally, the therapist wife gifts me the SuperEgo Plus :slight_smile: GAS and Freud jokes. Perfect!