GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome (Part 1)

Slate ships the raw samples now too alongside the processed samples but yeah, part of the draw of SSD5 is that he’s done the miking, processing and initial compression for you.

I think part of this is he wants a drop-in product to use with SSD Trigger, which he is selling as a main use case.

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I have come across bolt ons that are also glued

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Gallien-Krueger Plex preamp pedal went from $450 to $500. It was already pretty expensive at $450 imo. Jeez o.O Dat anti-GAS price raising tho… XD

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Yeah. The Plex is a nice preamp but no way would it compete with an Alpha/Omega, VMT or B7K Ultra for me.

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Speaking of which - 40% off sale at NeuralDSP for existing customers :slight_smile:

le sigh

I know you have a real B7K but the B7KU/VMTU plugin is amazing if you ever want to pick something up.

I take that back. They have nothing I want other than Parallax (maybe) or… I own a B7K so I don’t really need a B7K Ultra in my computer XD And an Exponent 500 is likely in my future.

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Parallax is pretty cool. I didn’t buy it because I already do the same thing in Multipass though.

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I bought it literally for the reason that I would no longer need my Microtubes X :rofl:

It was the last thing holding me back from the One True Path (for me :slight_smile:)

The B7K has an unmolested parallel output…


The nice thing about recording clean, dry bass and effecting in software is that you have infinite unmolested parallel outputs by default :rofl:

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LeeLoo Dallas, Multipass!




I swear they named it that on purpose - would fit with their usual sense of humor



One step closer…


New Nano+ board day means teaching my 13 year how to set one up. He did the placement, patching and cabling. With verbal instruction of course. Not too bad for a newb.


That is far, far neater than the back of my board ever looked.


Thanks @howard ! Easier with this small board than any of my bigger ones. I need to order some pancake ends and solder about 50 cables so I don’t have to coil excess. But it’s clean enough. He learned a fair bit in the process too.


That would make me Reasonably Happy!!