GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome (Part 1)

Almost like the store age. No YouTube?

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Like this? How to Play Cajon - Cajon Groove Guide - YouTube

nvm, you mean on how to adjust :stuck_out_tongue:

This one you can see him turning it on and off Henna Dragon Cajon by Luna Percussion - YouTube

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No YouTube. I’ve even seen a video of someone that teaches cajon and she said “snare” cajons can’t really be adjusted/tuned like a “flamenco” (guitar string) cajon

yet this one has an allen wrench. It has a socket for said wrench, and it does make the bar the snares are attached to floppy and loose. I’ll figure it out, or modify it somehow… or return it.

I am not so dense I missed a large chrome knob on the side lol


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I know that :nerd_face: I just meant you could see the technique they were using.

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Thanks. I’ve actually seen that. It’s practically the only video for it XD. I think a lot of these sound better with mics :eyes: The snare is just very quiet (or I have to beat the hell out of it and annoy/disturb people) and I’m starting to wonder if string/flamenco are the loudest. They also tend to have more or less strings I’ve noticed, depending on design, and more adjustments.

Finding a cajon is a lot harder than finding a bass XD

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I just feel like the thing is going to crumble under the weight of me on it!

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Mine sounds a lot more like the guy on the bottom vs that nice tight snare of the guy on the top, however, I do not smile nearly as much as the bottom guy.

I also notice if i tilt it up/back a bit like guy #1 the snare is snappier, maybe because my weight is more on the back of the thing.

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Well I have a tracking number for the bass. We’ll see what the origin is when it gets scanned.

Watched a Bully the Kid video on the bass. He ordered a pickguard off Amazon so I got a cheap one on the way. We’ll see how it fits.

Output jack

Now all I need are strings. GHS boomers or Rotosound flats? What think you? Feel free to suggest alternatives as if I need to ask


I got the other mic. It only cost me curb-checking my car’s wheel so shortly after I finally got it back from being repaired :sob:

I swear to god, I get two years in and just keeps getting fucked up lol… oh well.

initial test, it sounds good to my n00b ass ears

It, too, looks like it’s seen some shit, which I like lol.


Nice saber :grin:


I would absolutely use it as a cosplay prop now if I was into that sort of thing :rofl:


I agree with all you said here. I didn’t realize how much thinner the jazz neck is until I got my Gretsch Junior Jet. I found my fretting hand getting tired, my thumb was all over the place and as I went up the neck I started missing my mark by half a fret or more. I was primarily using my J&D jazz bass, but found the JJ in Torino green at a price I couldn’t pass up. Now I alternate depending on mood.

I can barely stand to hear a p bass played solo (no band at all) to my old and partly deaf ears they sound flat and unemotional. I do love being able to change to a more p bass-y sound if the song calls for it though.

Interesting side note - the junior jet plays better through Rocksmith than any of my other basses. Very strange.


So I’ve been on a pedal binge for the better part of 2+ years now. Lots have come. Few have gone. Many have been traded. But with 12 million option for effects, drives and preamps… duplication is an absolute rarity for me. Until now. I’ve run one of these 40 dollar Joyo American sounds on one of the small boards for a while now and gigged with it for both bass and guitar. Played it to the front of the amp. Played it into the return on the effects loop. Played direct to di and through the PA. Yet to be disappointed. And just like your third metal zone, this one will be repainted so no one is the wiser. I’m thinking a nice hammertone.

It will likely land on a small board with this little delight. So the big question is…

What color should the Joyo get repainted? And what would you fill the gaps on a nano with to complete the board?


The PB20 SBK has shipped, it shows a delivery date of 2 days and it’s in Frankfurt Germany, so it’s not warehoused in the US.

I’d be very surprised if it gets here “on time”



@Wombat-metal I was looking for a bass gig bag from Gator. Even with the shipping it’s $100 cheaper on their site than any Canadian store. So it’s on its way from Europe. I don’t know how they make money.


I like that color a lot.


Yes, things are cheaper even with shipping. It’s crazy


THey must have a very specialized dist. network.

volume, volume, volume I guess. They may be taking one on the chin right now to get enough customers in NA to justify setting up camp here, etc. Maybe trying to knock out a lesser competitor, or weaken them enough to buy them and slap their name over the GC (guess) logo, etc. Amazon tactics from when they first were growing, etc.

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Anyone in Canada want a MIM Fender Tidepool Blue Jaguar Bass for under $700 CDN?

@MC-Canadastan @Celticstar @Barney

It’s $1050+ at L&M, Cosmo and the rest of them.

Only 3 left. Buy now think later!

And yes I did.


Well, they’ve updated the delivery date, pushed back to Thursday. It’s taking 3 whole days to get here, what’s with that?