GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome (Part 1)


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Disaster Area DCM.Micro PRO MIDI Footswitch

The synth bass presets are very useful for sure.
I’ll go dig up my list of what I’ve loaded so far when I get a chance.


The loudest band in the galaxy



Wow, it’s here already. Even before sweetwater. This I ordered from guitar center. Gorgeous neck. I’m surprised aside from tuning the guitar came with really good setup very nice and low action. I’m not a guitar player by any means but even I can appreciate the attention to detail.


Congrats, Al!


Oh, this look interesting :sunglasses:

A related question (to everybody, ofc): I’m not very satisfied with my current practice amp(s), the HB-40B, and the Joyo. They are both fine - given the specs - for playing bass alone or with drum patterns, but with a backing track, I find it quite difficult to lock in with the drums. The volume or the quality is low, or both. I don’t have issues listening to and following the rhythm with headphones.
Would a similar amp be better in that regard?
If I understood correctly, something like the PJB Double Four should be one of the bass amps (small combo) with the best sound quality overall, but less expensive options deserve consideration, too :smile:

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Sounds to me you need to control the volume input of your aux. The double four actually provides that but you could also solve it with a cheap mixer in between. The HB and Joyo might be a bit limited in performance.

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Oh sure, I could be making something dumb somewhere, that’s true… :sweat_smile:
Also, perhaps it’s not clear, but I meant that when playing bass over songs, voice and/or guitar sound much louder than the drums - in most cases. Hence the difficulty to lock in.
I guess I could try using some eq from the source, my pc in this case, to emphasize the percussions but overall volume is not really the problem, or at least not the main one.
So far, I mostly practiced with headphones and in that case, is all fine and good. But playing out loud is also fun sometimes…

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@Barney speaks highly of the Boss but I don’t know how loud it is.

The double four is great, I have the 120 (5" speakers) and it is amazing.
Both have great sound quality.
The other option I have tried and liked a lot is the mini Ampeg…


I have the older Roland version. It’s a fantastic little practice amp. Built in effects etc. But it’s only 5W, so for practicing on my back deck = perfect. Keeping up with a acoustic guitar round a campfire = no problem.

Anything else = Not really.

There’s a new version available released recently at 10W. I’ve never heard it in person. With battery power and 10W it could be the ideal back porch amp if that’s what you’re looking for.


Red C-5 GT arrived damaged. The dude wrapped it in bubble wrap and slid it into a flimsy Fedex box o.O (while shipping UPS lmao).

I messaged him showing this:

And this is what I got back o.O
“That is unfortunate. I can assure you the guitar was packed in the same manner that I have sent out several other guitars previously with no issues. More packing material will be used in the future to prevent this from happening.”

…that’s it. Like bruh I am not keeping this without at least a partial refund lol. I paid you $100 and you wrapped it in a few layers of bubble wrap o.O

It was also listed as “perfect condition” despite having the same cracking of the fretboard binding due to sprout…

And I am going to be busy the next three days. Le sigh.


Bah, that sucks.

I’d be wanting that for next to nothing or asking for a full refund and immediate collection at his expense.

Hopefully he insured it.


it required a signature so im sure it was.



I feel your pain, serenity now!


since making the post I’ve been playing a guitar through my new Zoom G6 :slight_smile:

Edit Speaking of, the G6 is shiny unlike the matte B6. This thing is going to get scratched to hell :upside_down_face:

Sounds good, at least…


Thanks. This new version is exactly the starting point of this discussion :slight_smile:
All demos online so far are basically just marketing…


I’m waiting for the recent C-5 to acclimate to the climate before passing judgement on the neck (buzzy, of course). But I dunno. Keeping it even with a discount still feels meh…


No way! That is all on the seler. I would start on all possible avenues to get my money back.



I can add more words but that pretty much covers it