GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome (Part 1)

Lobster often states that he is offering his opinions only. Viewer’s choice to agree, disagree, or even care.

Personally, I watch to hear how various basses sound, or to see how he installs mods.

Admittedly, the guy is certain to rub some people the wrong way, no matter what he says or does. That’s life. But I find that’s the case with virtually every YT reviewer/influencer/humanoid.

Ya pays yer money ($0), ya takes yer chance.


Yes, position 3B. Here is the Tele quick start guide.


Thanks. I just plugged it in and tried. The acoustic sound pretty amazing.


@Al1885, the only thing I don’t like about it is that it comes with a rechargeable battery (via USB) which is supposed to last 20 hours per charge. Fender claims the lifespan is 2,500 charges, and it’s not easily replaceable. I would have opted for a regular 9V that you can change on the fly.


I only like reviews when they say good things about my instruments, lol.

I like bias reviews. Best kind of reviews.

His mods are a little odd balls sometimes but informative nonetheless


I think you can play while charging. There are plenty of credit cards size power and I can charge it while playing if needed. I do share your range concern. I also don’t like the fact that it shares the space with the jack. Lots can go wrong there at the bottom.

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Exactly. This guy is just a guy, not a luthier or guru.

But he has been playing bass a hell of a lot longer than a lot of just-a-guy players, so he’s got some chops and some really killer basses.

His soldering, wiring, pup mods can be amateurish, but that’s cool with me. I’m pretty sure it’s better than I could do without practicing a whole lot on a bunch of unfortunate sacrificial instruments first. :face_with_head_bandage:

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Actually his electronics skills are quite good. I like how he reach in to the history and models of basses plus the comparisons. His reverb store lists very reasonable price.

Hey, I remember the second I love Austin beside the food and music scene. Harvey Pennick.

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Yeah, good ol’ Harvey. He is revered in Austin and pretty much everywhere golf happens.

The University of Texas Longhorns men’s golf team has a strong golf tradition, dating back to their first season in 1927. Since then they have won national titles back-to-back in 1971 and 1972, again in 2012, and the most recent in 2022, and finished runner-up six other times.

I wish I could play worth a damn, but, oh well. At least I can play bass. :smile:

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You’re debating the merits of a taste call from a grown man in pajamas and cat hair?


Lol this comment is gold :joy:


Man, never gets old. :roll_eyes:

:rofl: It sums up my feeling. He has many bad hair days too many for a YouTuber, lol.

Dude, there are some seriously fugly YouTubers. It’s clearly obvious there are no YT Hair/Pajama Police.

And cats in vids are the fucking currency of YouTube. :joy_cat:

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That’s almost six years of constant use.
I could live with that, unless ‘not easily replaceable’ = ‘impossible to replace’


I said something similar to Lobster once. He said something serious in a video, I quoted him in a comment and said “this coming from a guy with a lobster claw”.

He replied laughing. He’s okay. So he’s a bit nerdy, but he’s himself. Internet could use more people being themselves instead of being somone else to get views.


I’m sure it’s not that hard, perhaps some soldering, but I know rechargeable batteries degrade when charged so 20 hours is when new.

Couldn’t agree more, @Wombat-metal.

I’ve chatted with Lobster and he doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. He would fit in with almost everyone in this forum, because he loves the bass. He really is just some guy, and doesn’t pretend he’s not. He’s kinda like a bass-world Peewee Herman, and he’s good with people seeing him that way.

He’s got his little video set and he puts himself out there, hair/beard/pajamas/cats, and all. So, yeah, he’s way easy to take potshots at. Kinda like somebody can easily kick a puppy, if the spirit moves one to be an asshole.

I respect that Lobster puts out so much content to a callous Internet, and always with a positive attitude. Whether or not anyone chooses to salute his stuff is another matter. But that’s true of anything in life. Some are gonna love you, some just ain’t.

First, last and always, to each his own.


I have no problem with the guy as a person; it’s just that his reviews are, simply, not consistent. Often not even internally in the same review. This really reduces their value to me.

His schtick is fine. Glad to hear he’s a nice guy and has a good sense of humor about himself :slight_smile:


This is so true. it’s the main reason why I watch his videos. He’s very geeky on many subjects.

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