GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome (Part 1)

Makes sense to me, none of us seem to follow any solid straightforward logic. Lol.


“Not following any straightforward logic” is the quintessential definition of a bass player.


Last night I bought a used Squier Paranormal on Reverb. It’s the black one with the gold pick guard. Pictures will follow once it comes in. I’ve been looking at these for a while and it seems like everyone on here who has one really likes it. This one was listed as mint and I got it for half what of they are going for new at GC or Sweetwater.


I’ve got one, really like it. Want to upgrade the pups but yeah that’s me.

I like separate tone and volume on each pup. I like the bridge pup at about 30% tone and the neck at 70%.

Mine plays like a dream, super quality, I think similar in quality to Fender Player series. Good find can’t wait to see yours.


Yes, I’m already looking at upgrade options. Maybe a hi mass bridge and possibly some vintage style pickups.

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Yeah. Mixers are just really, really convenient and there’s lots of times when I don’t have one that I really wish I did.

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I’ve been having problems with deliveries lately. Some are late and in some rare instances they are early, what ever the case maybe all of orders came in on the same day. Hmmm!

Boss cube Dual bass lx

Fender Acoustasonic Stratocaster, some of your eagle eyes might call me out, I know it’s a telecaster. I F’ed up and ordered the wrong one, I’m hoping that they would exchange it for me.

Then there’s this little guy

Thank god it’s a long weekend, I’ll be pretty busy ripping my fingers, lol.


That acoustic tele is adorable!


Repair complete, Bass POD Pro is now in what I would say is nearly unused looking condition.


Christmas came early for you. Drooling over that Joe Dart bass. Wonder how you like the Boss cube!


Nice fix! Did you already toyed around with it?


Yep! It’s more or less perfect for what I wanted it for.


That EBMM Joe Dart is beautiful.


I tested after unboxing, it sounds bigger than its size for sure. More articulated and accurate than Spark 40, I detected a hum but when I jiggled the cable it went away for a short spell. That’s a brand new cable, I’ll check it further today and maybe switch out the cable.

Oh, Joe Dart ii is something else, the neck feels pretty insane, it was buttery smooth. The knobs feel the same as cutlass and caprice, very heavy. The lack of tone knobs is not an issue if I ever needed different shape I can always use one of the two, 3.5 (bass, mid, treble, and mid shape) band EQ I have on my signal chain.

Unlike the G&L SB2 the bridge volume knob doesn’t exactly act like a tone knob, it’s way more aggressive than the MFD pickups turn it up and you get this funky snappy tone like when you dig in hard. So far so good.

I disagree with Lobster about the cheap look. They are not supposed to be conventional as these are oven knobs modified to fit guitar instrument. Very unique. When I was(still am) working on the Sterling Cutlass, I was looking everywhere for these knobs I couldn’t find one till the guy on reverb start selling them.


Now it completes my set, P, PJ, and Jazz from EBMM.


Receiving day at @Al1885 ’s music store! :laughing:
I prefer the Tele over the Strat! Nice mistake!


I might keep it. The lack of belly carved doesn’t bother me as much. Plus I can’t spend much time on playing the one song I know in guitar, lol.

@RuknRole do you have an Acoustasonic of have compared both of these? They seems to have the same sound modeling except for the electric options and different body shape.


No I don’t have one but I’ve been thinking about getting one. They’re supposed to have the same modeling engine but with different voicings.


His reviews would be a lot better if he actually stays objective. The bass looks amazing and fits my taste!


I know that both Strat and Jazzmaster have the body percussion thing now I could find the info on the tele. If they all have that I might keep this one. Do you know this info off hand?