GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome (Part 1)

i personally am not really sure i trust his reviews a great deal, he seems to find fault with things that aren’t corroborated by the larger bass community. nothing wrong with having your own opinion though.

and he kind of annoys me.


I don’t mind either his content or his delivery. What gets me every time and almost makes me stop watching is that hackneyed “I’m going to reach for the bass and oh no! My hand is a lobster claw! You have to fix it by clicking like!” bit.

It makes me feel like he’s going to pick up Romper Room’s Magic Mirror and start calling out follower’s names.


I approach all review sites/videos/online comments the same way…
You need to take a holistic view of the reviewer and see if you tend to agree or tend to disagree with them over a good sample set.

I also tend to watch a number of reviews on something to understand the aggregate. Same goes for Amazon or Google reviews. You need a data set, then take out outliers, then get a good view of what’s what, it’s just good process.

I LOVE Gregor, because he is damn funny and clever. I know he gets $ for reviews, and loves most German things, but then I use this lens to take in information. I also generally align with what he says about things and have bought a number of things he recommends and agree with him. But there are also a lot of things he says that don’t line up with my likes/dislikes. I do like his jokes and general presenation and quips ‘this is a good distortion pedal if you want to set fire to the hair of all the people in the first few rows’. He does make negative comments on things, but in a quite subtle way, you just have to listen and get what he is saying and where he comes from.

Lobster, for me, has kinda turned into a joke.
He has made enough really bad calls and comments that I find any positive info useless. and the claw thing, come on, its old, and it must stink to high heaven in it. :face_vomiting: :mask:

If you take any reviews at face value (or only one, or only the ones that agree with what then there is a lot of disappointment to follow, regardless of source. Makes for a great used market though.


I watch YT reviews primarily to hear how basses sound. That, to me, is where the most value lies.

I like Gregor’s videos because they feature damn good players and production values, video and audio.

Lobster is a harmless confection. He’s the Peewee Herman of reviewers, but he does present some very interesting basses on occasion.

There are many others who might feature instruments of interest, but the individual reviewers demo them by playing pick-heavy genres that don’t appeal to how I play, so their videos don’t do much for me.

John is correct that it’s best to take a caveat emptor approach to online reviews and reviewers. After all, free is free, and many times you get exactly what you pay for.


Yeah, I find Lobster kind of annoying too. Especially the whole “click Like so my hand returns to normal” thing. Although I did recently discover that, even if you don’t click the Like button, his hand still returns to normal! Shhh… Don’t tell anyone :crazy_face:

Seriously though, any review is useful if it allows you to hear what the bass sounds like, and I think he does a good job demonstrating that. Whether you like what you are hearing or not is up to you. Also, if a bass weighs almost 5 kg, that is quite heavy. Again, it’s up to you to decide if it is too heavy. In that respect, I think his reviews are useful.


PeeWee is a much better dresser.


This is why I like Bass Bonedo - no talking - ever!


I’ll check that out.


Yeah, Peewee only had the one wardrobe. But he couldn’t play bass worth a flip.

On the other hand, Lobster has a much more impressive beard. :crazy_face:

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In record “earliest in the AM that a bass shipment has ever arrived” time, it’s here.

I can tell you that it is better looking in person than it is in the pictures. What a gorgeous piece of work.

Schecter’s always say that they’re setup to play, but the action is a little bit too low. I’m going to let it (the action, not the bass) sit for the day and tomorrow I’ll probably see about raising it up a bit.

Pictures will come soon, once it stops raining and I can get a decent shot outside.


LOL are we discussing Lobster again? :joy: Leave that man alone!

:lobster::lobster::lobster::lobster: of 5 claws


Yep, Lobster’s tale is proof that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


In a world of people like Davie504 who change their personalities to get views and are fake, Lobster :lobster: is himself. Something to be said for that.


Amen, brother.

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+1. This is exactly how I feel. The moment he reviews something you know about, you get it.

I get that he’s a nice guy, and genuine, and relatable (at least to some). That’s wonderful. But, it doesn’t mean I am inclined seek out his advice or opinion.


Any newly shipped bass should sit for about a week before making tweaks, IMO, so the thing can settle in to its new home climate.


This forum being an exception, there is no one on the internet whose opinion I rely on.

Also I think Angus should have hung up his school boy uniform 30 years ago. People hang onto their schtick long past shelf life has expired. But that’s another thing


I’ve heard that before, but Schecter is only about 2 hours from me. Which is why it got here so quickly. I can’t imagine my home climate is going to be that much different.

School me if I’m wrong or missing something. :slight_smile:

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Ain’t got time for that, just set it up immediately and then tweak it again in a week :slight_smile: