GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome (Part 1)

I thought the same. And I thought the same in 3 of these blindfold videos so far. I’d definitely get one when adding a new style instrument to the collection. I’m sometimes in Germany to visit my daughter and could have picked one up, but.


hehehe…showing my age!


I just wish I could still have my hair that long without the “sunroof “ :joy:


Play that Sandberg and tell me what you think of it, I got my eyes on one as well.


Well, I played not that exact model that Julia had in the video, but a similar one - the California Nighthawk+ TM4

Gorgeous bass with a slim, fast neck and a J/MM pickup configuration, where the MM in the bridge position can be toggled to either work as a J pickup or a MM pickup for added oomph. It has a 3-band EQ (mids for themselves and bass/treble as a stacked knob) and an active/passive pull switch (together with the volume). Lots of tonal options with that setup!

With the ebony fingerboard, the black headstock, the black hardware, the black pickguard and the matte body colors, it is as gorgeous a bass as there is! The only thing I didn’t like with the one I played was that it was strung with (Sandberg?) stainless steel strings, which are not my favorite strings. But, I guess that works well for slapping…

I haven’t had a change to try one of those new Fender Ultras, but I bet the Sandberg is giving it a good run for its money :grin:

Really tempted… and I just got a bit of cash back from the government, which either could go towards my pension… or a bass :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


That bass is your pension…


So, which one are you looking at, @RemcoRG??


Classic TM


Love the black on matte black, that thing is gorgeous. Humbucker + J is interesting, I’d prefer humbucker + P but that thing will still sound very unique I would imagine. Nice looking bass.


They have indeed Sandberg stainless steel strings out of the workshop. I like them on my VM4. They give a lot of presence and might be an interesting choice if you need to cut through the mix in a hard rock or metal repertoire. They might not be the best choice for all kinds of music though :wink:


Thanks for confirming, @Krescht! Hard rock or metal are not my #1 priorities, but this would be both for getting a modern Jazz and a bass for getting better at slapping - my other basses are not really suited for (learning to) slap, either because they are 5- or 6-strings, fretless or have the wrong strings :sweat_smile:

Well, Marcus Miller uses stainless steel strings and his repertoire is a little bit different :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, I guess most slappers use stainless steel strings :wink:

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My Hooky Signature stainless rounds still haven’t mellowed out. So bright they almost hurt.

Cause to celebrate though, sold my Warwick so I’m back down to one bass :slight_smile:


I think I have come to the conclusion for myself that I prefer nickel round wounds. Stain less steel are just too “harsh” for my taste.

Congrats on selling your Warwick! No, you are really Marie Kondo level :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Yeah nickel rounds are definitely my favorite too.

Thanks! Now to go tidy up a mix…


nickel round wounds are my favorites too. I like the sound of stainless rounds but those things are too agressive regarding the contact with the fingers, and I wonder if they don’t wear the fretwires faster because the metal of the string is much harder.


I’m sure they probably do!

I love the smooth, frictionless feel of nickel rounds. Stainless are more rough and gritty feeling.


They kill my gloves in no time :joy:

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Come over to the flat side Luke :joy: