Yeah @Lanny, I hate having to convince the wife I need another bass, another Amp, hell, another stand for the better bass.
I hate it so much, in fact.
I just got rid of the wife instead.
Heck, 8 Basses later, I am still SAVING a ton of money this way😂
Along with the constant convincing (I.e. Begging) I had to deal with the constant TELLING me what and why she needed this and that and these and those, aye aye aye aye aye!!!
Moral of the story.
Man + Woman =. Man and woman with 1.5 Basses, 1.25 Amps, and half a stand AND, 20 of this, 13 of that, 32 of these and 51 of those
Man + Bass =. Man with a bass telling him she wants offspring, and more offspring, and offspring from the offspring, and like all good little spanking new Basses, they need something to soothe them, To pacify, so here comes the Amps, Mamma Amp, Pappa Amp, Junior Amp and so on and so forth.
You get where I am going with those?
Picking up what I am throwing down?
Full disclosure: Me splitting with the Wife had nothing to do with Basses, and was long before I got a bass and started playing this year. In fact it was just a little over a year before I did.
Story completely, 100% based on true events, with true results, just the timeline is a little off.
Plus we are not technically divorced, so it’s good for me to hide cash by buying Basses. She won’t want those in the divorce, she wont even know about them really. They will just be an asset on paper, easily overloooked.