GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome (Part 1)

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

I know, I know, I must prove myself a few times at least…


My spouse has forbidden me from visiting this thread, which is why I’m wearing this disguise. Please don’t mention you saw me here.


Your secret is safe Bad Ass Cat Girl :grin:


Purrrrrfectly acceptable… :smiley_cat:


Don’t know what you are talking about.
This is the first time I ever see you on bassbuzz, Catwoman.


I made it out of GC with nothing more then a GC Gift Card with $54 on it, from a return of the TC Electronics Rusty Fuzz pedal I returned.

I did not buy a thing. I only played 2 Basses.
But one of them gave me HUGE GAS!!!

I played a Jackson Spectra 3 first. I have really wanted to play a Jackson. Never played one before, and that orange that comes in the Spectra 4 is to die for. Plus the Spectra 4 is neck thru. But they only had a 3 in this store.
I wanted to like it, I really did, but a couple things.
There is a toggle switch for pick up selection, and it is tiny and weak, I could see it breaking easy.
the Active EQ mobs are tiny. About 2/3 the normal size, if that. Really kind of wimpy.
I just couldn’t”t get a feel for the bass without wearing a strap. I asked for one, and was given a new strap. I could not get it on. The strap ears were enormous. I could not make it work without tearing a brand new strap.
I gave it back and asked for a StingRay.
I have a SubRay, but the cheapest of the cheapest, and a few years old. I love mine, but it pales in comparison to one of the new ones I looked at. It does not even come close.
Mine is like particle board covered in a high gloss laminate. My neck is nice, but the new one feels so much nicer.
The cheap one I have doesn’t”t even have the input jack on the front face, or any metal plate the dials are on. It’s a fun little bass for sure, but the ones on the GC wall are so freaking awesome. Soooooooooooooo nice.

So, my goal.
I made $200 profit on a bass last night. Profit, not my money back. $200 more then I invested.
My plan
I am putting my SubRay up for sale.
I will ask around $140, hoping to get $125, but will take $100.
Should sell quickly.
So, $200 + $125 + $54(gift card) = new StingRay.

That’s the $299 sticker for the one I played. Black on Black, not what I want. Maybe the blue one.
They have it at the other store, 3 of them.
Once I get the money, I will go find the StingRay I want.

And I am still down one bass total.
I play my Sub everyday, so I will play the new one every day as well. I have 5 Basses I play daily. 2 five strings I play sometimes, and a Mikro I don’t play all that often, but have for novelty.
Actually what my daughter is out of treatment, she will do B2B on it. It is much easier for her to play sitting down then the Daisy Rock bass I got her. It is SS, but the flower shape makes the body bigger and awkward to play sitting. She will use it to jam standing on her prosthetic when she gets it and is used to it, but will learn B2B on the Mikro.

Get the StingRay, I am set. Famous last words.

But remember, I DID IT. I went to GC to return something, and came away empty handed. Plus, I didn’t get the A,p. Lol


I honestly was not expecting that.
Sounds like you are in love with the StingRay and you are managing your money accordingly! Good luck with the sale.


Thank you @juli0r. I do love the StingRay.
Even tho the Jackson comes in Orange, I can say I loved it.

I like it enough to give the Spectra 4 a play. It might be all that much better to get me to love it, but as of now, no fireworks.


It also helps the fact I didn’t get anything, that one of the main guys working was a Major A-Hole. Rushed my friend out of the store while I was still playing.
He was testing out drum kits, and the guy said buy or leave.

Never said a thing to me, but, wtf?

I get it, 10 in at a time, but he was shopping kits. Possibly buying, but not garanteed.


That would make me immediately leave from the shop tbh. Dunno how much you followed my bass buying thread but I was sitting around and playing for more than an hour and already said that I don’t wanna buy immediately but have a look around and get a feel.


Yeah, I didn’t know it happened til he texted me from outside. I immediately powered down the amp, unplugged, went to the counter to give him the bass.
He asked if I wanted it.
I asked what other colors does it come in. He said pretty much what’s on the wall.
3 black on black
1 yellow
1 sunburst
1 brown

I know they come in other colors.
He, being snide, asked what fretboard
I said, IDK, what are the colors.

He looked at maple fretboard, 3 colors, not what I wanted.
I said, And… the rosewood fretboard
He found like 7 colors.

I said, yeah, the blue.

He asked if I wanted to order it to the store.
I asked if they can bring one in. He said no, u have to buy it. (I know they can do it)
I said, any other stores nearby that have it in stock.
Yes, all of them nearby (and they can’t get one to the store, BS)
I said, I will go there, Can One get my gift card for my return.

What you think he said

We don’t give gift cards for returns.
BS I said, I already have it in process.
so, The other guy, friendly as could be, actually the store manager I think, gave me the card, and thanked me for coming in.

All the other staff were friendly and helpful.

Too bad this store has one bad apple, makes me want to just drive further to the other store then go back to that one.


Pam stands and addresses the GAS Anonymous group,
“Hello, my name is Pam and I have GAS”.
Group chants,
“Hello Pam”.
Pam says,
“I added up all my expenditures for the past 30 days at Amazon, Guitar Center, Sweetwater, and ZZounds and it came to $1,274.93”.
Member of group says,
“I’ll bet you have some nice new basses though”.
Pam shakes her head,
“No, that was just on gadgets, cables, and accessories. No new basses”.
Group gasps


Group gasps
“Thanks for sharing Pam. Juli, do you have something to say?”
Juli says,
“Hello my name is Juli and I have GAS”
Group chants
“Hello Juli”
Juli says,
“Today I looked up my favorite Bass from my favorite youtube bassist and it costs me roughly one full monthly salary when working full time, but due to corona I get less money and now I can just look at it online.”
Member of group says,
“We have all been there. It’s hard to wish for things you cannot afford but it makes them even more special once you saved up and can. Thanks for sharing.”


Pam says to @juli0r,
“That is a beauty. I say go for it!”


Juli answers @PamPurrs,
“I know. I love every detail I’ve learned about it so far. That it comes from my country is even a little added Bonus. The name translates to ‘Mister Black’. I am kind of disappointed they sell it in different colors. It feels like betrayal to the initial vision. Then again I don’t have to buy the other models. Regarding “go for it” - yes I will start saving up.”
Juli wants to sit down again but gets back up to add:
“After I bought a lower budget one. I can’t wait to try out more basses tomorrow in the store.”


Now I want one! LOL


Sounds great! (I could have made a better video with my iPhone, though… :rofl:)

Anyway, what’s the damage for one of those???


It’s 3300€ upwards but you can get a bunch of adjustements/extras. Charles Berthoud, the youtuber I was talking about, has switches for downtuning instantly for example. Full price list:

Aaaaand I made the mistake going onto ebay small ads. There’s one offer for 2000€ and negoiable. Aaaaand I should not. It would not be the responsible thing to do. I do not have the money right now. sigh


I was surprised how deep and boomy they sounded in Nathan Navarro’s 5 string shootout.

To me they are kind of funny looking, but then again so are many Foderas, so clearly I have pedestrian tastes :slight_smile:


Well, here is a secret: while they are cool, you probably really don’t need one :smile: I am sure you can get a stunning bass for around 500 Euros that will give you much playing pleasure and fulfil your needs for, oh, at least a month, uhm, year, I meant to say year… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: