GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome (Part 1)

And Le Fays also come with metal fretboards if you want… :wink:


Ooh I actually like the shape of that one much better :slight_smile:


Yes. But if I guess correctly this will be my “I dream of owning it” bass for a long time anyway. It’s just such a shame that there’s an offer with more than 30% down from retail and I can’t take the opportunity. And even though the seller made the mistake of only using “Le Fay” and not “LeFay” in the title I doubt it will stay on there for a long time.
Still… you are right and my excitement should wear off/switch to the basses I’m playing in the shop.

If you read the description text on the LeFay website: LeFay comes with basically anything you want as long as you have money. Even things that aren’t on the price list yet.


That’s $3,714.28 in American dollars. Wow, very pricey.


Yeah. And “roughly my monthly salary” in full time isn’t even true :smiley: Price is higher than that.
I didn’t really check. I think it was more hope that I might be able buy it one day.


@T_dub did GC make you wear a mask in the store? I went to my local GC here in the Phoenix area, and not only do they make you wait in line outside in the heat, they insist you wear a mask in the store.
I walked. I don’t do the mask thing.
I may never buy anything from Guitar Center again after this.


Huh. The mask thing is mandatory for any shop here in Germany, including the normal grocery shops. Everyone kind of got used to it. So for me it was weird the other way around: No one wears a mask in the music shop I go to and they don’t care if you do or don’t. Which is weird because they could get shut down at least while those laws are still in effect.


Hardly any stores, bars, or restaurants here require their customers wear a mask. Most of us have figured out that this is just a severe strain of the flu and the whole thing is blown out of proportion.


Thanks, @PamPurrs . . . I thought I was the only one . . . :wink: lol


No, you’re not. Thousands of people are coming to this realization :hugs:


That fretless does look pretty interesting, @joergkutter . . . :+1:

Cheers, Joe

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Is your last name Bolsonaro by any chance?


It has not escaped my attention that the people from Le Fay seem to agree with the seller.


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It’s still a mistake to not include both in a selling ad when there’s two possible ways people spell it. That’s what I was talking about. At least if your goal is to sell it for the highest possible price.
I am still wondering how I found the article the first time. Because I only found it in my history and the search word I used was LeFay. Second time around I used the search it didn’t show up.

I’m German, not a grammar or ortography nazi :wink:

But you are right. The correct name of the company is with a space.


LOL no, I’m just a very pragmatic person, and if things don’t make sense and/or the numbers don’t add up, I call bullshit. It’s just me doing me.


Yes, well, here’s the problem:
If you call it “a severe strain of the flu” the numbers don’t add up.

The last time a strain of the flu did a number on our healthcare system the way the Coronavirus does is so long ago, you and I weren’t alive yet.

I know there have been many people stating “the flu causes more deaths per year than COVID-19”. My answer to that is “no flu epidemic you and I have ever seen has caused more deaths in 3 months.”
One thing you do not want to experience is an overloaded health care system, wherein people have to decide which patients to leave to wither – but that is exactly what COVID-19 is causing.
So, even if it is “just a severe strain of the flu”, that doesn’t mean we can safely ignore the numbers. They tried that in Italy, they’re currently trying that in Brasil, and a certain orange president is advocating the same approach. See where that brought them.


@peterhuppertz I appreciate your point of view and honor you for standing your ground and stating your opinion. But, let’s not have this conversation here, it’s not the right forum. I’m sorry I even brought up the fact that I refuse to wear a mask.


Let me end this with a funny observation, then:
When this thing started, our RIVM (our national scientific institute for public health and the environment) said that wearing masks wouldn’t really make a dent in how the virus would spread, so the Dutch government didn’t make wearing masks a thing.
A lot of people complained about this, stating “why don’t you make masks mandatory?*”

So, as of late, you are supposed to wear a mask in public transport.

A lot of people are now complaining about having to wear a mask.**

Whatever you do as a government, it’s wrong, or it sucks.

*) many of these would be identified as being slightly hypochondric. I have a friend who is like that. She’s now having to choose between running up the walls from being afraid and running up the walls for being in a self-chosen radical form of social isolation.

**) these are generally the same people who compain about “muh freedom”. We have a friend who was like that for the last two months. He’s now been tested positive, he is quarantined, and he’s not doing so well physically.


Hum. I am not sure If I should stop or continue looking around on those ebay sell ads.
Peavey Cirrus 4 BXP perfectly in budget range for 449€

Wait! It’s a profesional seller with a music shop in Duisburg. That’s like… reachable. Maybe I’ll visit another shop too tomorrow :smiley:


That’s the one @JoshFossgreen plays in his lessons. I love that bass, it has an incredible cut out so you can reach those high frets.