Good Bass Day

There is pleasure in playing nice, high quality instruments; they definitely do feel different and playing them just feels nice.

This doesn’t mean they necessarily need to be expensive; however, there is a noticeable quality bump once you get to the $750-$1k range.


Yep! That was in fact exactly my point after a long and painful process to find my bass:

  • the best bass is the bass that fits egonomically. Providing that neck and body is not totally f#cked up otherwise, this is the foundation of everything else. Brand (and all the other things I wrote above) has no meaning at all - except for design, maybe.
  • All the things that s#ck on that bass can easily be replaced with good components. This is what brought me to modding.
  • After that it’s a matter of setup. I knew that before, but especially my fretless bass showed me, how fractions of a millimeter can make a difference between “hard to play” / “sounds bad” and “great to play” / “sounds magic”. The nut on the fretless drove me nuts. Now it is heaven!

I am pretty sure that you can get a cheap 200€ Harley Benton bass to play and sound like an expensive 4000€ boutique bass - by modding (which means of course, that you put some expensive components on that bass).
Josh made some blind test videos a few years ago. Would be interesting to test my modded Ronin against a Spector Bantam 4, for example…


At the end of the day, it comes down to whatever it is that makes you pick up that particular bass and play it (or, conversely, what makes you (subconsciously) avoid picking up another bass and thus not play it).

Others have said it here many times - it comes down to a combination of look, feel and sound. Whatever it takes, it is important that it makes you want to pick up an instrument and play it! (And that - as we all know - can vary quite a lot between different players/personalities).

Come to think of it: there is potentially a lot of factors which can be annoying and thus detrimental to your wanting to play that particular instrument. Even down to strings (OK, fairly easily fixed) or slightly uneven fret edges (more likely on less expensive instrument) or perhaps a body edge that cuts into your lower arm, and who knows what else.

We bass players can be delicate snowflakes as well :grin:


Not working… I still want a Dingwall Combustion :stuck_out_tongue:


Do it … do it … do it … you’re worth it :smiling_imp:

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We have some of my wife’s relatives over for Christmas, they requested a bass performance. Who was I to say no? :rofl:


Today was a Good Bass Day for sure!

Items the first) Talked with my SW sales rep about set up on my new bass

twoth) Played through Module 15 (Jam with the Band) for the first time just in time for

Thirth) Played at Instant Band Night in three different bands! Made up three songs, each in five min and played them in front of people! It was amazing. This was my first time playing with full bands and my first time playing in front of people! I had so much fun.

@JoshFossgreen - Thank you for the course. Your teaching made tonight possible. Also the next one is 3/13 and you’re local if you want to stop in on some chaos. :smiley:


That sounds amazing and like a ton of fun. I’m looking into something like this locally, attached to taking some private lessons at a local music school. I want to finish buying up a few things so that I can turn my music allowance over to the lessons. Few weeks, I already found an interesting looking teacher (their bio had a lot of similar interests irt music). I’m really looking forward to forcing my wife to go to these.


This is the best idea I have seen in a long time!

EDIT I’m to shy and to bad at playing to do this myself … but I know some people that could organize something like that. Appearantly it does not exist here.


Venue looks awesome. I never went to Leo’s but I am pretty familiar with the area (used to live in Lakeshore).

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That’s one of the funniest things I’ve read in a while :joy: Sounds like a wonderful initiative! The only thing I didn’t understand is the “MASKS WILL BE ENFORCED” rule. Is everybody still supposed to be wearing masks over there?


They are here :slight_smile:

But it’s a cultural thing here and people have always worn masks when not feeling well, out of courtesy.

And having recently had both Influenza A (last month) and a nasty cold (today), I sincerely wish more people would.

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Great concept! Also this made me chuckle:


Why’s it always Creep… :man_facepalming:
Like they don’t have any other good songs… :thinking: lol.


I’d pay even more money to see one of those 5 minute bands bust out some Paranoid Android.

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That’s a tough one in places! But it’s such a bop! Lol