Great bass day: saw Doug Wimbish and Will Calhoun

Today I went to an event that was described as 'Bass and Drum legends, Doug Wimbish & Will Calhoun perform an up close and personal clinic covering bass playing and drumming techniques, their history and lived experiences.’

Seeing them up close (as in, right up close because it was a small venue with theatre/lecture hall style seating) and listening to their stories was a really awesome experience. Living Colour is currently touring Australia with Extreme (I couldn’t get a ticket, waaaah). I was hoping I’d be the lucky door prize winner of a Spector NS Pulse ll bass but alas it wasn’t to be. Regardless, a fantastic afternoon!

Tagging @JoshFossgreen thanks to your video for Cult of Personality :smiley:


Fantastic band, every individual in that band is very talented in their own right. Not one is a weak link. Wished I was there for that!