Harley Benton Bass VS (Bass VI)

The Danelectro Bass VI is no longer in production, but here is what they looked like

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I will have to check when I am back home this weekend, but what I remember is it is as long as my other basses and the body is giant. Will post a pic this weekend.

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Here’s a Bass VI next to a Jaguar (I believe) baritone guitar

The body feels like a normal one to me on the Rascal, I don’t have the VI yet but the Rascal has the same body and different 30" neck. It doesn’t weigh anymore than a normal P or J

And, here is a Fender Vintera VI. A lot of talking, but a lot of good sounds too.

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I’ll write up a bit more with some more thoughts when I have had it a few days.
I’m pretty busy until the weekend including a Friday night Jam :slight_smile:

I do love the “World War I tank” feeling the 8-rivet switchplate gives it

I ordered the laBella flats, they have a 33.5" winding lenghth and after measuring will fit fine (in theory)
Not cheap tho.


Good strings though

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I have deep talking flats on other basses so I have high hopes.
May take a little while to get here tho, so I will work on technique with the rounds.
I find myself playing it like half guitar, half bass if that makes sense- it is its own instrument.
One observation is that that the bridge pickup is a little quiet but raised as high as it will go, so when I change the strings I will take off the pickguard and do some surgery on the springs so I can raise it further.

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Interesting. How far is it from the strings?

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They are approx:
Bridge 7.5
Mid 6.3
Neck 6.0
There is quite an angle from the “floating” bridge
I think it will be an easy fix

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Measured when fretting the last (i.e. 21st) fret? If so those all seem very large.

No it is where it sits without fretting, I will measure it fretted in a bit when I go downstairs again

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need to look it up but pretty sure Fender recommends ~3mm for that measure for most of their line

OK, fretted at 21:
NECK : 3.9
MID : 5.1
BRIDGE : 7.15


Yeah that seems very high

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I haven’t fiddled with the Bridge or Intonation yet- that is a tomorrow job :slight_smile:

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@Wombat-metal has yours turned up yet?

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Not yet, the due date is sometime out still

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Amazing the different post times

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Actually not post times, but the bass isn’t in yet. I just checked CME and the date is moved out to March now. I’m just collecting parts. in advance.

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