Has anyone spliced a guitar cable

Wow @eric.kiser that’s a nice piece of research… reminiscent of my many years working for the computer magazines. Thanks for doing that.

I did try my fender footswitch awhile back and it didn’t work. I don’t think it’s a momentary switch as required.

ALESIS SR-18 OR SR-16 (DUAL JACK) DRUM MACHINE FOOTSWITCH looks interesting, and I’d give it a try if it was available on Amazon (which it’s not).

I’m just going to stick with the pedals I have, albeit with the super long cables which I have neatly zip tied underneath the pedal board .

Thanks for your help!


you must be right : if there is no analog signal there, this cable has no reason to be a shielded coax ! it’s very probably a simple 2-wires cables


@eric.kiser This is actually the one that I ordered and then cancelled because I didn’t think it would work with the SR-18. Are you sure it would work? I also posted this question on the Amazon product page.


Just cut the dang cable already! :smiley:

Seriously, it can’t be that complicated, it’s only a wire or two and maybe some shielding. Cut the cable a few inches from the jack, cut out the length you need to from the remaining cable, strip the outer cable cover from the ends you are going to connect, strip the individual wires, match them up, twist and then solder together, use electrical tape (or heat-shrink if you’re really fancy) to keep them from touching each other, wrap the whole splice with electrical tape and you’re done. 5 minutes tops, if you preheat your soldering iron. I often splice 48 conductor cable at work, and if I can do it…



I didn’t think it would work either. Then I had the thought of using the TRS cable and that adapter to split the two signals out to the separate ports on the Alesis.


@eric.kiser just to be clear…

Are you saying plug the TRS cable into the A/B port, and then split it with the adapter and plug those two males into the 2 ports on the SR-18? That would work?


Yep. You got it. :+1:


Hey @eric.kiser I got the Nux dual footswitch today, and it works perfectly. I didn’t even need the TRS cable or the adapter, I just plugged a mono cable into each of the ports on the footswitch (A & A/B) and into the SR-18. Works like a charm. Those two big pedals are on their way back to Amazon. No more mess of zip tied cables under the board LOL.

Thanks for all your help and advice.


Very cool! I’m glad you got something that works for you.


Thanks @eric.kiser. I’m thinking I will probably go with the TRS cable to the adapter though. That way I have one cable running from the pedal board to the drum machine instead of two. I ordered a 10 foot TRS cable from Amazon for that purpose.


It nice that it works with either setup. When I read their information, they made it sound like the A&B port would only work with a TRS cable. I thought that sounded strange.


I guess your my queen, cuz I am the King of this very same thing.

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