Help muting in the song Glide

Song “Glide” by Pleasure

I’m actually proud of my progress with this song. Started out thinking I’d never be able to play it even slowly to now being up to full speed. Now I’m working on fine tuning some bits.

The part that has given me the most trouble is that slap/hammer run he does during the verse.

This part, specifically:

The notes just ring out the whole time. I’m not sure how to mute it properly when playing at speed. I’m trying to not use a fret wrap (mainly because they don’t work well on my fanned fret bass) so I want to learn the right way to mute it.

Does anyone have any hints on how to clean up this bit?


You are playing every string from E to G ascending hammer. I’d just rake the finger to mute the previously plugged string to stop the played notes.

So you’d play your E string and once you hammer the note move on to A string when you plug the A string rake your finger all the way up to touch the E string that would stop the E string from ringing. Rinse and repeat all the way to G string

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Periodically I study from this site 3 months at a time. pay the $8 for a month and take advantage of the song tutorials, especially since it has this song that you’ve been working on.


I do this mostly with my left hand.
One thing I notice is that my index finger will gently be touching the lower strings as I move and fret towards higher strings.
I’ll fret the A string with my index (preparing for that 4-6 hammer on) but the index will be just placed so that the tip of the finger is touching the E string so that I’ll get a bit of a mute that way.

Another thing I notice is that I’ll do these hammers with my index and pinky, which allows my middle finger to hover as a string muter in the middle.

Another thing I might do - adjust the hand as I play the hammer ons across the strings and bring my left thumb up to quiet down the E string (the real rumbler on this phrase).

Annnoootttther thing I might do - get my right hand / forearm to mute the strings on the slap/pop hand. (I’m a righty)

Lots of options, all of them tricky.
Hope something works!


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