High vs. Low Action on Low Frets and the Nut

I have had that on both the Gregg Bennett and the Cort. The Bennett’s strings had been on it for a month when it got its setup, so no, it won’t have been string stretch.
It puzzles me as much as it does you!


I adjust my setup at least monthly, minimum. Humidity and temperature change rapidly here. Then again I run a very low action.


Yep, as low as possible. This is probably the reason for frequent adjustments, which is fine with me, my hex key is always close by


I am not so much puzzled by it, it actually makes perfect sense to me. I only wonder, if it were to be professionally set up, and I asked. For the lowest action possible, would it still happen.

My guess is yes, but if I ask others, and this never happens, then I would wonder if I am doing anything wrong. But I don’t beleive I am TBH

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+1 to what @howard said above… Temperature and humidity changes probably result in my intermediate adjustments.

Sometimes though (because I do play a low action), I may have to make adjustments to specific strings for a certain song I’m playing due probably due to the angle of attack on specific notes.


Yes, I usually get away with it while slapping, then need to adjust when plucking


I haven’t played enough to know what I am going to end up with, but my bass currently is setup very low…and I like it better than what I find at GC. Not crazy about the buzz though. And, I’m right behind the fret wire.

I’ve decided to maybe shim up the E string with some paper for now, and then start up another project. I decided to do a bass build. I’m much further along mechanically than I am as a musician. I’m going to build it like Johnny Cash…one part at a time. The neck is on the way…


Sounds like a really cool project @kwt7667 !! @Korrigan builds a lot of homemade basses and might be able to shed some light on homage bass projects. He’s put together some really cool ones! Good Luck!!


Well, I’ve built 41 instruments but only 1 bass so far. I’ve modded several bass though and my next project is a super short scale (25.5") cigar box bass. I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have @kwt7667.


Well, I started with just one part. There’s a satin finished Fender neck on the way ( Modern C profile from the P-Bass Standard, NOS). Once I have that thing, I’ll need to get a body. Obviously Warmoth is going to get a look. I’m going to start gathering pieces over time.

From what I gather, it can be worthwhile as long as you don’t expect any resale value, and that’s ok. I want to build this bass for me, not to sell to someone else.

41 instruments. If you have have something to say; I think I should listen.


Alright, I haven’t had any access to another bass, since the last time I checked GC was still on lockdown protocols (the shopping experience isn’t free in that you can browse and pickup instruments, etc.). So, I have no basis of comparison.

I’ve been busy on doing finger excercises, and the bass buzz and been really getting to me. Is it me or the bass? It seems like I fret the not ok, but then it will buzz on my way off the fret. Ok, I just need to be faster off the fret. It’s improved, but still I get this buzzing…

I was on the A string on F#/9th fret, doing a variation of Josh’s finger exercises and “BUZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz” That’s with my index finger holding it down.

Stop right there. On the 12th fret, no buzz, but on the 9th it’s buzzing.

So, I am thinking “truss rod?” “Is my action so low that my bass is just cutting it too close”

I just don’t know. I’d really like to get a second bass just to see where I am at, but the used bass market really dried up since the lockdown this spring. Used to be lots of basses on Craigslist for $100; used Squiers and more. They’re gone now.

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I would check your neck relief and see if it needs a truss rod adjustment. 7th-9th fret is where a lot of basses will start to get fret buzz when either the relief is too little or the action is too low.


What @howard said.

Plus, I just got back from shopping INSIDE my closest GC.

I did not buy anything, but played 2 Basses that I have been wanting to play in person.

I might have actually ordered a bass, to get it to the store, and just return it if it as not what I wanted, but the lead guy, (don’t think he was the manager). Was such a dick, I couldn’t stay longer.

The next closest store has what I want to look at anyway.

They limit to 10 in the store, and you gotta ask to touch anything, but you get to go inside, that was fun. Been too long…


Right! So, any thoughts on when it’s time to raise the action a bit? Would that be after trying the truss rod? If I have to get deep into this thing, I think I might just go all out and fix the intonation while I’m at it. Again, the A string is off, needs to be shortened a bit.

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Yeah, they got something like that at my GC. I wrote them and told them that I wouldn’t buy anything if they were going to play that game, and that doing so opens me up to Sam Ash, Musicians Friend, and Sweetwater…to say nothing of Amazon.

I want to support my local brick and mortar. I want to support my local GC. But, if I have to do that ordeal (which I did a few times at the local electronics store already which includes standing in line, etc.) I just would rather order online. GC now gives you 6 months to return anyway.

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Yeah, I wonder when they are gonna stop for hat, since they are opening back up. But I am just gonna go to the other one tomorrow, look at and play the blue and HH models, and make my decision based on hands on shopping. I already got someone picking up my Sub Ray in the morning, so I will shop in the afternoon.


Yeah, I wonder too. Knowing some people, they might like to take advantage of something like that. I couldn’t/wouldn’t do it.

Actually I really love my local GC; I just don’t want to go in and feel rushed because people are standing outside. I also like to smile and to be smiled at. Music is my escape, and these protocols just mess that up for me.


Yes. If it was not for the one employee that was a major A-hole, it was fine. But he was a prick, flat out. Rest of th were friendly and helpful.


You can adjust the action height at any time but if your neck relief is off it is best to fix that first, to avoid having an action that needs to be artificially high; and in fact it might be impossible to avoid buzz if the neck relief is far enough out of adjustment.

Do you know how to check the neck relief? Basically, on the E string, fret the first fret and the fret where the neck meets the body. This should make the string go in a flat straight line the length of the neck. If the neck were meant to be perfectly straight, it would be touching all frets individually at this point - but that’s unlikely and is not what you want. There needs to be a little neck relief, a little curvature of the neck, to play correctly.
So, look along the bass for the point of maximum gap. This will likely be the 7th-9th fret, depending on bass. There should be a slight amount - no more than the width of a business card or so - of gap between the E string and the top of the fret wire there.

If there is no gap, and the string is touching the frets, then the truss rod is too tight and needs to be loosened. If there is too much gap, you need to tighten it a little.

This video explains it well:

When adjusting the truss rod, only make tiny adjustments. Lefty loosey, righty tighty :slight_smile:

You should always set things up in this order:

Tune up
Check neck relief and adjust truss rod
Tune up again
Adjust action
Tune up again
Adjust intonation


@howard This is excellent. I did back off the truss rod before I got your message, just a bit. It make an audible pop when the Allen head broke loose. Must be a lot of tension on it, or it needs some lubrication (graphite). I didn’t really want to get into that, so I just went to the tuner. I think it moved about 1/16 of a turn. All the strings were slightly flattened, so I tuned it up. The buzz is still there, but not as much on A. It’s not present on the other strings.

I think I’m going to take your advice about checking the relief and watch the video before I proceed further. Thanks for breaking this down for me!