Hofner (Contemporary Series - Asian) & Schecter (Diamond Series Extreme Stiletto-4) - Should I Buy?

I don’t have experience with the models on sale but it seems the MDB hit hard before you even visited the forum :wink:

  • Would you play it?
  • Is it a good deal?

Those are the two questions I would try to answer before buying a bass. You can get into more detail but those are the two main question IMO. A lot of people here (including me) own more than one bass for different reasons. The most common one is different basses for different tone/purposes so in general I think you could go for it.

There isn’t really a reason to limit yourself to one bass guitar but at the same time I personally would like to try the instrument out myself before buying it and since it seems that it’s a private offer there’s probably no return policy if you don’t like it.