How Do I Meet Other Musicians?


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The meme you posted is from iFunny and its tradition to give people shit for it. haha

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(Killer 'stash btw)

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Cool, good story

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Iā€™ve always found jam sessions and open mics to be helpful. Other than that you can use whatever local networking youā€™re a part of and also check out postings on CL or FB Marketplace for bands looking for players or musicians wanting to meet up with other musicians. Basically yaā€™ gotta get out and meet people in person and find a common bond.


It took me ages to find some people (like years!) but how it worked for me was doing bass covers and posting them to my YouTube channel. While I looked around for people to play with I kept putting in the work in my room (hundreds and hundreds of hours with a drum machine) and working on my timing.

I then had something to show people. So I posted in various Facebook groups and said ā€˜These videos are me, hereā€™s my current ability etcā€™.

I got some bites and for the past 5 weeks weā€™ve had a Tuesday jam night. Currently looking for a drummer!

I found the transition into playing with other people was made significantly easier by doing lots of covers. It made me comfortable standing up, not looking at my hands and playing a whole song end to end.

Thanks again @JoshFossgreen for the solid foundation, this is simply way beyond where I though this would lead from starting bass aged 49. Turning that little Fender Rumble 100 all the waaaaaaay up on the master volume is a beautiful thing :slight_smile:


And here I am with TWO drummers from different groups I play withā€¦!!!... So much fun playing with others!!


no way, bass players hide in burrows LOL

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Weekly jam session last night and for fun I downloaded a decibel meter onto my phone.

Happy to be wearing some quality hearing protection for 3 hours. 90+ dB is some solid noise.

Also ā€˜Lawyers Guns and Moneyā€™ is such a great tune to play.


I might try this.
I usually wear earplugs but sometimes forget to take them

Theyā€™re tiny, you canā€™t tell Iā€™ve got them in and they work.

Two levels of noise suppression and I can still hear the other musicians clearly.

I have not posted in a while but still drop in to BassBuzz from time to time and wanted to post on the OPs original question.

I live in rural Ontario and approximately 8 years ago got tired of just playing for my own enjoyment. At that time, there were NO jam sessions or music circles in my area of any kind.

The most successful way I found to meet other like minded people was through the local library system. They provide a friendly environment at no cost and are happy to have musicians play background music for their patrons.
It was a lot of work but now there are at least four separate sessions every week that are available.

Playing with other like minded people is a great way to improve and to those who think they are not good enough I say there are all levels of players in jam sessions and no need to feel inadequate. I have seen many times beginning bass players just going through songs only playing root notes and that is OK. At least they are in the session and out there playing and most will tell you that they wished they had done this sooner.

Good Luck :+1:


The musicians Iā€™ve come across have either been at a gig weā€™re either playing at or just going to it anyway, and then pseudo meet people by using places like this place, forums etc.

I find itā€™s far more engaging actually talking to someone in person though.

I live in a quiet village in the UK and there is only 1 pub here yet i probably know quite a few people that either play or are in a band or composing or just doing something in general, so Iā€™d go with getting out there.


Ha ha ha. Thereā€™s a guy in my neighborhood that plays drums somewhere and I get the feeling that he starts banging when Iā€™m playing during the day. Calling out so to speak. Iā€™m going to find him/her someday. Iā€™m in Arizona and I live in a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood and there are always mariachi bands playing/practicing where Iā€™m at as well. Theyā€™re gonna get recruited too. Iā€™ve already got a perfect band name; I just need the band. If you see BarEO Speedwagon shootinā€™ up the charts, you know how we started. Ha ha.


I know itā€™s not your cup of tea but I looked up a few songs on account of your post and Scottish folk music seems fun to play. Iā€™m happy exploring different sounds and trying to play different things. Iā€™ve got some Scots friends (they live in Kirriemuir; Iā€™m in Arizona myself). I think Iā€™m going to try to learn ā€œLoch Lomandā€ on bass. I googled Scottish folk music bass tabs and it was one of the first things to pop up and I like how it sounds. And there are tabs for the rhythm and melody on bass. Sweet. Do you have any recommendations on a folk song that is popular enough that they would recognize it? I wouldnā€™t mind surprising them by sending a recording down the road. I kinda want to get that WTF? reaction. Like how does know that?


Slightly controversial little number but Flower of Scotland is certainly very popular!


Played with bagpipes on top of Murrayfield Stadium goosebumps


Thanks for the recommendation. I think theyā€™ll be on board with the selection. I donā€™t see them viewing it as ā€œanti-Englishā€ or anything like that. Now I just need to find a good version on bagpipes to accompany and Iā€™m in business. Cheers.

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