Ah. Was my description not precise? I am open to changes…
Your description was fine! Sometimes I get ahead of myself and don’t read the instructions all the through
I managed to create very simple tabs - or not as detailed as @Whying_Dutchman - using Customsforge into RocksmithToTab.exe… and open with TuxGuitar, finalizing with Export to PDF.
I’m still in a very amateur approach but I might add my steps to this thread to help.
@Megatronpt - an alternative to TuxGuitar is MuseScore (which is also free).
Musescore has one great feature: selecting all notes of a specific type and move them to another string. It’s great for adapting tabs to your individual playing style!
Displaying tabs (not score) is a little complicated in MuseScore. I will write a little how-to later…
One thing that seems to be missing in both MuseScore and TuxGuitar is the display of tuning. I will try to find out how that works and post it here.
Of course, Guitar Pro does that perfectly…
Yeah… I am starting to see advantages on getting Tonelib + GuitarPro… I was trying to do some automation but Windows is being windows!
Both are fee to try! Play with it … and then decide
Oh … Rosegarden - Wikipedia
Ok… as my late uncle Jack “The Ripper” used to say… “Lets do this by parts”
- Download a song from the website indicated by @Whying_Dutchman
- Move the .psarc file literally on top of the RocksmithToTab.exe file
Something like the image below should appear as you over the psarc over it.
- This will “automagically” create a subdirectory in the original location for the .psarc file called “rocksmith_tabs”; inside that directory you’ll find a timestamp file and a GP5 file.
- Use TuxGuitar https://www.tuxguitar.app/ to open that file.
- Inside there, select the TAB you want (assuming bass for obvious reasons) by clicking it.
Here you can double click to double check the Tuning, which in this case is Drop D.
You can then click the Text function and write there the Tuning.
Should appear on top left:
Then just export as PDF.
Nightwish - The Phantom of The Opera.pdf (161.6 KB)
Fairly simple after you’ve done it once.
Just thought of this as an alternative for those that just want the PDF and not use/pay for more software.
– Please let me know if additional clarification is needed or if I messed up the tab, as I was doing some experiments