Well it is the last day of Winter here in Australia.
Mid-afternoon was a balmy 35C at my place and ever hotter in other parts of the country.
How’s your joint going?
30C, 90% humidity, typhoon
33 here today but we had snow on Sept. 7th a few years ago, and typically for Colorado we’ve got about 3 weeks left of this crap before I get to break out the long sleeves and coats
Netherlands, 23 celcius / 73 fahrenheit today. Cloudy and chilly wind. We’re heading for autumn so that means we going to have rain and wind for at least the upcoming 8 months. Good times…
31° C in Germany, and yesterday in the supermarket they already put out the Christmas treats, like gingerbread and speculoo.
Naturally, I bought it, because I always buy speculoo if it is available. I am a big fan.
again we are seriously running out of things to talk about
but very pleasant, thanx for asking
Not at all, I am genuinely interested in how the weather is around the world.
Australians are like that, a bit obsessed by weather, rain, heat, drought etc.
I am surprised to hear it is so hot in Europe, I didn’t think it would get to 30C often.
This is very warm for us in winter.
It’s getting warmer every summer. More wet as well. 30C is still hot but it’s more common nowadays. It’s going to be a problem because standard Dutch houses don’t have AC. There was a whole piece in the news recently about the heat in the big cities and how that’s going to be a problem for the elderly. We might have to think about incorperating AC into our buildings from now on to prepare for the hot (but wet) summers to come.
Nice camping / mountain biking weather. Now let’s talk string tension @howard
We hit 109°F for one day last week.
But the heat didn’t permeate my abode, so my tonewoods and string cores were unscathed. Zero scathing.
Hanover, Ontario, Canada
12:55 Eastern Daylight Savings Time 26 deg C. Sunny
We are heading into our fall which is a nice time of year.
97 F yesterday. We’ll see how it goes today. Looking forward to winter in North Carolina.
Rome, Italy 35C max-20C min, humidity is out of the roof, ah! This is the 60th day of this temperature.
88 F / 31 C here in South Florida. Sunshine with a mix of rain throughout the day.
21C and sunny here in Oakland, CA. Very pleasant.
Yeah this humidity is really gonna test the tensile strength of the strings on my instruments. I heard they can fly across the room and slice you like razors. Do you think the note they made when that happened could go as high as C?
Yes, because a C be sharp.
End of summer, 28 c very nice day at the coast here
Was 75/24 earlier, now it’s 67/19 with sunset in about 2 hours. Weather is pretty mild year round. Between the ocean and mountains we never seem to get extreme one way or the other.
97 just south of Atlanta, GA. Fall can’t get here fast enough