You have done features on several bass players in the past. They mainly seem to be well established players from bands with lots of experience. Are there any new/ younger bass players that you follow, or rate for their ability?
if you hadn’t become involved in music, what other field or area would you have headed towards? You obviously also have talent as a educator and an onscreen presenter, so lucky for us you discovered this and were able to use it to present B2B, for which we are thankful!
When are we getting the next course? It looks like we have only covered the Major and Minor scale on B2B, so there are 5 more modes to go?
I am a self taught basses and learned a lot from the YouTube videos on bass buzz. Just wondering. When I’m picking I have the tendency to plant my wrist on the bass. It is the most comfortable way for me to play. Is this proper technique? Will it prevent me from playing faster?
I’ll have my first five-string, soon. Lots of topics on here are already full of advice on making the transition, so I know I’ll have plenty of practice material. As my trusty bass teacher, though – what are some of your suggestions for learning this ‘new’ instrument?
We’re the songs in the 50 songs extras all picked for specific technical reasons to demonstrate concepts in the course?
If you do check out the 50 song challenge or covers videos, what themes of areas of improvement can you see?
In what famous band would you like to play bass?
And… Will you get a new fruit tattoo?
I guess he will when The Velvet Underground will release a new album
Do you like pick-playing better now than when you did the B2B course? (Seems to me you’ve ‘picked’ it up a notch since then. Sorry.)
You might have already answered my two questions
I am sorry. ;D
Hi Josh. Great site and fantastic bass lessons on YT btw.
My question is: what would be your top 3 favourite bass brands, and why(briefly)?
What are some common practice mistakes to look out for as a “advanced beginner” (i.e. not total noob but not intermediate yet)?
What’s the secret to muting when picking? I’m stumped. I’ve seen lots of “just do this” examples but they all seem to only work sometimes, but not in every situation. Example: muting while teeing crossing with a pick in the direction of the E string to the G string, is it all palm?
Do you realize that with your help, I will be the first fat, 58 year old, bald, ugly, spandex wearing, lip sweating, bass playing rock GOD? You do realize that, right? It will be your fault for unleashing me on an unsuspecting public. (I’ll look like a fat, link sausage stuck into a casing if I put on spandex)
What was your biggest screw-up playing a gig?
What was one of your best or most memorable moments?
How many people work behind the BassBuzz scenes? Can you pass on a big thanks to them?
Any thoughts on collaborations with other teachers? I’d happily pay for a 30-45 minute module on playing with a drummer — with a drum instructor present or linked in to provide their perspective. Or more generally, playing with other people in a jam situation. Two folks that immediately come to mind are Eric Haugen and Adrian Woodward, both of whom are super cool teachers. It would be fun to see you play together.
Do you expect that one of us might become the new Steel Panther bassist?