I betrayed Bass and bought a Guitar!

The MIM Baja came wait a gig bag (was original to it). It’s actually not as flimsy as some of the others I’ve gotten on bass from the good folks at Fender. It originally sold for $799. My MIM Vintera P that I sold came with the crappiest of gig bags and sold for $940.

I think what model gets what is more about the overall “value proposition” and price point snd consumer “cohort” the marketeers are targeting. A lot goes into the equation, and a lot of it has to do with how the current marketeer (and their bosses) think. Knowing the usual churn in marketing is two years or so in a role, things will always seem to change for no good reason.

The only sure thing is the quality will go down or the price will go up over time, or both.

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